本文关键词: 巡回审判制度 司法为民 司法公正 法官释明权 出处:《天津商业大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:巡回审判制度最早起源于英国,在我国也是司法制度的重要组成部分。我国巡回审判制度建立于新民主主义时期,建立之初受到大力的推崇,并发挥着非常重要的作用。然而,巡回审判制度曾一度不再受到重视,尤其是在要求法官独立性的司法改革之时。最近几年,随着最高人民法院的积极倡导,这一制度又呈现了复兴的态势,并在我国各地人民法院得到大力推行,成为我国司法制度的一大亮点,体现了司法为民的原则。 巡回审判制度在实践中发挥着重要的作用,无论是从人民群众的视角进行考察,还是从国家的视角进行考察,都有着积极的功能。对人民群众而言,它可以便利人民群众参加诉讼,减轻人民群众的诉讼负担;对国家而言,它有助于合理有效地配置司法资源,维护社会秩序的稳定以及推进法制宣传的力度。然而,实践中巡回审判的应用也存在这样或者那样的问题,如:过于注重巡回审判的形式而不注重实质,过于追求巡回审判的社会效果而不注重司法公正,只有避免这些情况的出现,才能真正达到巡回审判制度设立的目的,实现司法为民的理念。在分析巡回审判制度在具体运行中存在的问题和缺陷之后,着重分析了针对这些问题应该采取怎样的对策,这些对策包括:明确巡回审判的目标,适应我国司法改革的要求、完善立法规定,为巡回审判制度提供可操作性、为法院提供充分的物质保障,降低巡回审判的成本、巡回法庭与基层组织应建立有效的合作沟通机制等等。巡回审判这一制度在社会主义法治进程中发挥着不可磨灭的作用,希望本文能够为巡回审判制度的完善贡献自己的绵薄之力。
[Abstract]:The circuit trial system originated in Britain and is also an important part of the judicial system in our country. The circuit trial system of our country was established in the new democratic period and was greatly respected at the beginning of its establishment. And plays a very important role. However, the circuit trial system was once no longer taken seriously, especially in the judicial reform of the independence of judges. In recent years, with the active advocacy of the Supreme people's Court. This system has taken on the trend of renaissance and has been vigorously carried out by the people's courts in various parts of our country. It has become a bright spot of our country's judicial system and embodies the principle that justice is for the people. Circuit trial system plays an important role in practice, whether from the perspective of the masses of the people, or from the perspective of the state, has a positive function. It can facilitate the participation of the masses in litigation and lighten the burden of litigation of the masses of the people; For the country, it helps to allocate the judicial resources reasonably and effectively, to maintain the stability of the social order and to promote the propaganda of the legal system. However, there are some problems in the application of the circuit trial in practice. For example: too much emphasis on the form of circuit rather than on the substance, too much to pursue the social effect of the circuit rather than judicial justice, only to avoid these situations. In order to truly achieve the purpose of the establishment of the circuit trial system and realize the concept of justice for the people. After analyzing the problems and defects in the specific operation of the circuit trial system. This paper emphatically analyzes the countermeasures that should be taken in view of these problems. These countermeasures include: making clear the goal of itinerant trials, adapting to the requirements of judicial reform in our country, and perfecting the legislative provisions. To provide maneuverability for the circuit system, to provide adequate material protection for the court, and to reduce the cost of the circuit trial. Circuit courts and grass-roots organizations should establish effective communication mechanism and so on. The system of circuit trial plays an indelible role in the process of socialist rule of law. I hope this paper can contribute to the perfection of the circuit trial system.
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