发布时间:2018-01-28 05:10
本文关键词: 武周 酷吏 司法 出处:《西南政法大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:酷吏作为与循吏相对的一个群体,以执法严酷为大众所知,整个群体基本上是被大众否定的,甚至有人认为酷吏文化是中国古代法律思想的糟粕,是中华文明史上的污点,是完全不可取的,站在今天的角度来看,酷吏确实是不可取的,但我们研究历史事件和人物,必须把他们放到其所在的历史大背景中来考察,来分析。站在历史的角度来做客观评价,我认为酷吏这个群体虽然从理想的角度看并不完美,但从现实的角度看,却又属必需。在酷吏的研究方面,前人学者对汉代酷吏的研究,已经有了丰硕的成果,对武周时期的酷吏,从武则天的角度来分析也有不少学术成果。但整体而言,学者对武则天时代酷吏研究的深度远远没有达到汉代。学界鲜有对武周酷吏这一群体做全面的独立的分析,大部分是杂糅在武则天酷吏政治的研究里。所以本文截取武周这一特殊时期,从酷吏与其司法行为的角度来分析武周酷吏的司法行为方式与特征以及其存在的价值与作用。让人们对武周时期的酷吏有一个全面的认识。 第一部分,首先对酷吏概念范围进行界定,得出本文所用“酷吏”的内涵,然后分析在古代封建社会酷吏这个群体存在的必然性。 第二部分,论述武周时期出现大量酷吏的历史背景 第三部分,结合唐律及《新唐书》、《旧唐书》等史料来分析武周酷吏所拥有的职权,然后分析其职权运作的依据。 第四部分是整篇论文的重点,结合史料主要论述武周酷吏的具体行为及其特征,从其行为分析出武周酷吏区别于其它时期酷吏的特征。 第五部分,讲述的是武周酷吏所产生的历史作用,对其应该肯定的历史作用我们予以积极评价,该否定的就予以批评,不简单的以利大于弊而肯定,弊大于利而否定。第六部分为结语。 本文在前人研究成果的基础上,主要采取历史文献研究法、典型个案分析法及比较研究法,以此考察他们与法律社会的关系,透过他们的司法活动,寻找他们的角色定位。
[Abstract]:As a group of officials , as a group of officials , the whole group is largely denied by the public , and the whole group is basically rejected by the public . However , it is necessary to study historical events and characters . However , it is necessary to study historical events and characters . However , it is necessary to study historical events and characters . In the first part , the definition of the concept of the officials is first defined , the connotation of the " hot officials " used in this paper is drawn , and then the inevitability of the colony ' s existence in the ancient feudal society is analyzed . The second part discusses the historical background of a great deal of officials in the Zhou Dynasty . In the third part , combining the historical materials such as the Tang Dynasty and the Tang Shu Tang and the Old Tang Dynasty , this paper analyzes the functions and powers possessed by the officials in the Zhou Dynasty , and then analyzes the basis of their functions and functions . The fourth part is the focus of the whole thesis , and the combination of historical materials mainly discusses the specific behaviors and characteristics of the officials in the Zhou Dynasty . The fifth part is about the historical role of Zhou officials in the Zhou Dynasty . We should make a positive evaluation on the historical role which should be affirmed , and the negative will be criticized . It is not easy to take advantage of the advantages and disadvantages . The sixth part is divided into the conclusion . Based on the previous research results , this paper mainly adopts historical document research method , typical case analysis method and comparative research method to examine their relationship with the legal society , through their judicial activities , to find their role orientation .
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