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  本文选题:司法推理 切入点:法官司法解释 出处:《中国政法大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在司法推理中,法官要面对各种繁杂的案件事实,而在有些情况下法律规则不能直接适用于案件,必须由法官依据立法意图和具体案件的情节进行选择和解释,将解释过的法律规则应用于具体案件。法官司法解释是司法推理的一个环节,而法官解释法律的目的是为法律适用的司法推理寻找大前提。正因为如此,法官司法解释在司法推理中发挥着不可替代的作用。然而,目前我国的司法解释体制没有相应地重视并且赋予其应该有的合法地位,本文试图从法官司法解释的理论和现实状况两个方面进行分析,明确法官司法解释在司法实践中的现实意义,即在具体个案中法官对法律进行的司法解释与对案件事实的分析判断同时交错进行,从而作出公正的司法裁判,维护公平正义。因此,本文从司法推理的角度进行切入,通过分析司法推理与法官司法解释二者之间的关系,明确法官司法解释在法律适用中的重要意义。最后,根据前面的理论论证和我国司法解释目前的问题,提出了构建我国法官司法解释制度的几点建议。 第一部分:引言。从法官司法解释制度的理论研究现状和司法实践两方面,说明深入研究法官司法解释制度的必要性。 第二部分即第一章:对法官司法解释进行概念界定,分别对广义司法解释和狭义司法解释、立法解释和司法解释、广义司法解释和狭义司法解释作出区分,将法官司法解释界定在广义司法解释的语境下进行讨论。 第三部分即第二章:主要从司法推理的角度深入分析和论证法官司法解释制度。在此将司法推理界定为法律适用中的司法推理,分析了法律适用中司法推理与法官司法解释二者之间的关系。接下来论证说明了司法推理中法官司法解释的过程,同时又分析了影响法官司法解释的主要因素。通过上述层层推进的理论论证,明确法官司法解释制度在司法推理中的作用。 第四部分即第三章:承接上面的理论分析,对我国目前法官司法解释的现状和构建法官司法解释制度的现实意义进行了阐述。根据前面的理论论证,提出了影响法官司法解释的因素、现有的司法实践中的问题以及构建我国法官司法解释制度的建议。 第五部分:结论
[Abstract]:In judicial reasoning, judges have to face a variety of complicated case facts, but in some cases, the rules of law can not be directly applied to the case, which must be selected and interpreted by the judge according to the legislative intent and the circumstances of the specific case. Apply the explained rules of law to specific cases. Judicial interpretation by judges is a link in judicial reasoning, and the purpose of interpretation of law by judges is to find the premise for judicial reasoning applicable to the law. The judicial interpretation of judges plays an irreplaceable role in judicial reasoning. However, at present, the judicial interpretation system in our country has not attached much importance to it and given it the legal status it should have. This paper attempts to analyze the theory and reality of the judge's judicial interpretation, and to clarify the practical significance of the judge's judicial interpretation in the judicial practice. That is, the judge's judicial interpretation of the law and the analysis and judgment of the facts of the case are staggered at the same time, so as to make a just judicial decision and maintain fairness and justice. By analyzing the relationship between judicial reasoning and judicial interpretation of judges, this paper clarifies the significance of judicial interpretation of judges in the application of law. Finally, according to the theoretical argumentation above and the current problems of judicial interpretation in China, This paper puts forward some suggestions on the construction of judicial interpretation system of judges in our country. The first part: introduction. From the two aspects of the theory research and judicial practice of the judge's judicial interpretation system, it explains the necessity of deeply studying the judge's judicial interpretation system. The second part is the first chapter: to define the concept of judicial interpretation of judges, respectively to make a distinction between broad judicial interpretation and narrow judicial interpretation, legislative interpretation and judicial interpretation, broad judicial interpretation and narrow judicial interpretation. The definition of judge's judicial interpretation is discussed in the context of broad judicial interpretation. The third part is the second chapter: mainly from the angle of judicial reasoning, the author analyzes and demonstrates the judicial interpretation system of judges, and defines judicial reasoning as judicial reasoning in the application of law. This paper analyzes the relationship between judicial reasoning and judicial interpretation of judges in the application of law, and then demonstrates the process of judicial interpretation of judges in judicial reasoning. At the same time, it analyzes the main factors that affect the judge's judicial interpretation, and clarifies the function of the judge's judicial interpretation system in the judicial reasoning through the theoretical argumentation. Part 4th is the third chapter: to undertake the above theoretical analysis, the current situation of judicial interpretation of judges in China and the practical significance of constructing the system of judicial interpretation of judges are expounded. This paper puts forward the factors that influence the judicial interpretation of judges, the problems existing in judicial practice and the suggestions of constructing the system of judicial interpretation of judges in our country. Part 5th: conclusion


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