本文选题:审判分离 切入点:主审法官 出处:《东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2017年06期
[Abstract]:The Constitution and related laws of China do not clearly stipulate the independent status of the individual judges, and the administrative interference in the exercise of judicial power within the courts occurs from time to time. The single judge or the collegial panel shall implement the decisions of the judicial committee. The administrative manager of the court can also use the power of examining and approving the judgment document to influence the result of the judgment. In judicial practice, the separation of the jurisdiction of the trial and the ambiguity of the subject of the responsibility attached to it have arisen. The reform of the responsibility system of the presiding judge aims to create. The power structure of "let the adjudicator judge" and the responsibility bearing mechanism of "the referee responsible". The construction of the responsibility system of the presiding judge can be carried out from the two dimensions of empowerment and clear responsibility: one is to empower the presiding judge to exercise the responsibility of presiding over the trial, the other is to empower the presiding judge to exercise the responsibility of presiding over the trial. The relationship between the presiding judge and the trial committee and other members of the collegial panel is being reshaped. The other is to clarify the scope of responsibility that the presiding judge should bear in the illegal trial. The disposition of judge's power of punishment and exemption should follow the law of judicature, the request of judicial principle, and the emphasis on solving the problem of internalization of jurisdiction. It is only an expedient measure to select the elite judge as presiding judge in the group of judges. The ultimate goal should be to judge to be elite and give all judges the same and complete jurisdiction.
【作者单位】: 九江学院政法学院;
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