本文选题:检察改革 切入点:检察一体 出处:《国家检察官学院学报》2014年01期
[Abstract]:In order to establish a fair, efficient and authoritative procuratorial system and to realize the independent exercise of procuratorial power according to law, a new round of procuratorial reform should be more closely combined with the running law of procuratorial power and procuratorial practice.Among them, the independent exercise of procuratorial power not only means that the procuratorial organs should be independent from other state organs outside, but also means the proper independence of prosecutors.To explore and perfect the system of independent handling of cases by prosecutors and to realize the rule of law of the Procurator-General 's instructions.It is necessary to further optimize the relationship between procuratorial organs' litigation function, litigation supervision function and litigation relief function, and perform the litigation relief function through hearing according to the judicial requirements of procuratorial function.In the investigation of duty crime, we should promote the integration of investigation from the vertical and horizontal levels.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学法学院;
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