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发布时间:2018-05-04 21:53

  本文选题:人民陪审员 + 管理 ; 参考:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:陪审制度其基本属性是作为一项诉讼制度而存在的,在我国当下推进社会主义法治国家建设的背景下,中国特色的人民陪审员制度不仅具有司法属性,同时兼具政治属性,是我国民主政治制度在司法领域实践过程中的生动体现。人民陪审员制度为普通群众能够更直接参与司法审判实践、行使管理国家权力提供了一条高效便捷的途径,人民陪审员制度兼具保障公民权利、维护司法公正、弘扬司法民主、强化司法监督、传播法律知识和培育法治理念等作用,其地位举足轻重,其作用无可替代。细数人民陪审员制度在我国从萌芽到在曲折中发展,受限于我国政治环境、社会环境等因素的限制,人民陪审员制度在我国也不过历经几十年的时间。自2004年全国人大通过《关于完善人民陪审员制度的决定》以来,我国人民陪审员制度步入了快速发展地轨道,在审判实践中彰显出强大的活力和强劲的推动力。但是任何事物都不是尽善尽美的,人民陪审员制度也同样如此。在审判实践中,人民陪审员制度逐渐暴露出一些现实问题,例如人民陪审员代表性不强、履职效果不佳等。深究这些问题产生的原因,我们可以看到是在人民陪审员选任、参审、培训、保障、考核和监督等管理环节出现了问题,致使人民陪审员制度在落实的过程中出现了偏差。党的十八届三中全会以来,全面深化改革的蓝图逐渐铺开,我国司法体制方面的改革也逐渐进入到深水期和攻坚期。党的十八届三中、四中全会中旗帜鲜明地指出,要改革和进一步发展人民陪审员制度,实现和扩大公民民主权利。在新形势为进一步开展好和落实好人民陪审员制度改革工作,最高法联合司法部制定了《人民陪审员制度改革试点方案》,在全国10个省份选取了 50家法院作为改革试点,从选任、参审、保障、考核等方面着手,立足于我国实际,积极探索,通过改革实践解决问题,也通过改革实践发现问题,力求通试点改革积累经验,为人民陪审员制度发展完善走出一条新的康庄大道。人民陪审员管理是人民陪审员制度实现自身价值之关键所在,只有做好选任、参审、培训、保障、考核和监督等各个管理环节,通过管理提升制度运行质效,才能真正保障公民有序参加司法审判实践、提升司法公信力、推进社会主义法制建设和民主政治发展。
[Abstract]:The basic attribute of jury system exists as a litigation system. Under the background of promoting the construction of socialist country ruled by law in our country, the people's jury system with Chinese characteristics has not only judicial attribute, but also political attribute. Is our country democratic political system in the judicial domain practice process vivid embodiment. The people's juror system provides an efficient and convenient way for the ordinary people to participate more directly in the judicial practice and to exercise the administrative power of the state. The people's juror system also protects the rights of citizens, maintains judicial justice, and promotes judicial democracy. Strengthening judicial supervision, spreading legal knowledge and cultivating the concept of rule of law play an important role. The development of the people's jury system in our country from the bud to the twists and turns is limited by the political environment social environment and other factors. The people's jury system in our country has experienced only a few decades. Since the National people's Congress adopted the decision on perfecting the people's jury system in 2004, the people's jury system of our country has stepped into the track of rapid development, showing a strong vitality and strong driving force in the trial practice. But nothing is perfect, nor is the people's jury system. In trial practice, the people's jury system gradually exposed some practical problems, such as the poor representation of people's jurors, poor performance of duties and so on. By studying the causes of these problems, we can see that there are problems in the management links of people's jury selection, trial participation, training, security, examination and supervision, which leads to the deviation in the implementation of the people's jury system. Since the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, the blueprint for comprehensive deepening of the reform has been gradually spread, and the reform of the judicial system in China has gradually entered the period of deep water and the period of attacking the key points. In the third session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, the fourth Plenary session of the CPC Central Committee clearly pointed out that it is necessary to reform and further develop the people's jury system and to realize and expand citizens' democratic rights. In order to further develop and implement the reform of the people's jury system in the new situation, the Supreme Law and the Ministry of Justice have formulated the "pilot Program for the Reform of the people's jury system," and 50 courts have been selected as pilot reform projects in 10 provinces throughout the country. Starting from the aspects of selection, participation in trial, security, assessment, etc., based on the reality of our country, actively exploring, solving problems through reform practice, and finding problems through reform practice, we will strive to accumulate experience through pilot reform. For the development and improvement of the people's jury system out of a new road. The management of people's jurors is the key to the realization of the value of the people's juror system. Only by doing a good job of selecting, participating in trial, training, ensuring, examining and supervising, and so on, can we improve the operation quality and effectiveness of the system through management. Only then can citizens participate in judicial practice in an orderly manner, enhance judicial credibility, and promote the construction of socialist legal system and the development of democratic politics.


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