本文选题:赤脚律师 + 乡土社会 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:目前,“赤脚律师”作为乡土社会中的法律人在我国基层法律服务市场正发挥着重要作用。虽然他们是通过自学习得的法律知识,法律技能略显粗糙,但由于其自身与熟人社会的特征相符,不以获得金钱为目的,而是以长远的人情交换为基础。因此,赤脚律师与律师等正规化法律服务者相比,更受乡土社会中的民众欢迎。随着赤脚律师数量的不断增多,执业范围的不断扩大,赤脚律师在中国当代司法活动中的生存状态正得到学界越来越多的关注。基于我国农村法律服务的实际需要,笔者希望对赤脚律师进行更为深入的考察和分析。本文试图探究赤脚律师与我国正规化法律职业者的关系,分析其对我国法律职业化进程的影响,进而找到其未来发展的出路。同时,借着对赤脚律师的研究,进一步揭示出我国在朝向职业化发展的道路上存在的问题,希望对我国的法律职业化运动进行批判式的反思,找出符合我国国情的职业化发展道路。 全文共分六大部分: 第一部分为引言,主要提出本文的写作背景、研究现状和学术意义。 第二部分,赤脚律师在乡土社会兴起的历史背景与现实原因。首先,介绍赤脚律师生活的社会背景——乡土社会。乡土社会随着我国社会的变迁正发生变化,但熟人社会讲究人情信任的传统依然存在。其次,概述赤脚律师名称的由来及其特征。再次,阐述讼师作为赤脚律师产生的历史渊源。最后,详细说明赤脚律师产生的现实原因,主要是现阶段我国基层法律服务体系的不健全。 第三部分,赤脚律师在乡土社会的法律角色与社会功能。首先,赤脚律师能够为农民提供法律服务,将法定权利转化为现实权利;其次,赤脚律师提高了农民的法律意识,传播了法治思想;再次,赤脚律师是沟通生活世界与法学系统的桥梁;最后,赤脚律师还起到了融合民间法与国家法的作用。 第四部分,赤脚律师在我国法律职业化体制下的生存空间与执业困境。首先,简要概述了当代中国法律职业化运动的趋势与特征,并进一步揭示其出现的法律知识技术化、技术垄断性、商业利益性等问题。其次,在正规化法律职业制度存在问题的前提下,证明了赤脚律师可以作为其补充性因素得以存在。最后,阐述赤脚律师在执业中存在的困境。 第五部分,赤脚律师未来发展图景展望。基于上述讨论,笔者认为赤脚律师在我国二元化体制转型时期,作为非正规化法律工作者将长期存在。当然,他的身份还有待合法化。随着我国法律职业共同体的建构,赤脚律师最终将纳入我国法律职业化进程。 第六部分为结论,我国法律职业化的实现是个长期的过程,因此赤脚律师的存在满足了现阶段农村法律服务的需求。但如何建构与多元法律服务需求相适应的法律服务体系还需要我们不断的进行制度创新和实践摸索。
[Abstract]:At present, "barefoot lawyer" is playing an important role as a legal person in the local society in the legal service market at the grass-roots level in our country. Although they acquire legal knowledge by self-study, their legal skills are slightly rough, but because their own characteristics are consistent with the characteristics of their acquaintance society, they do not aim at obtaining money, but on the basis of long-term exchange of human feelings. Therefore, barefoot lawyers and other regularized legal services, more popular in the local society. With the increase of the number of barefoot lawyers and the expansion of the scope of practice, the existence of barefoot lawyers in the contemporary judicial activities in China is getting more and more attention. Based on the actual needs of rural legal services in China, the author hopes to conduct a more in-depth investigation and analysis of barefoot lawyers. This paper attempts to explore the relationship between barefoot lawyers and regularized legal professionals in China, analyze their influence on the process of legal professionalization in our country, and find a way out for their future development. At the same time, through the research of barefoot lawyers, it further reveals the problems existing in the development of our country towards professionalization, hoping to critically reflect on the movement of legal professionalization in our country. Find out the professional development road that accords with our country national condition. The thesis is divided into six parts: The first part is the introduction, mainly put forward the writing background, research status and academic significance. The second part is the historical background and realistic reasons of the rise of barefoot lawyers in rural society. First of all, the introduction of barefoot lawyers living in the social background-local society. The local society is changing with the change of our society, but the tradition that acquaintance society stresses human trust still exists. Secondly, it summarizes the origin and characteristics of barefoot lawyer's name. Thirdly, expound the historical origin of the barrister as a barefoot lawyer. Finally, explain the realistic reason of barefoot lawyer in detail, mainly is the imperfect legal service system of our country at present. The third part, the legal role and social function of barefoot lawyers in rural society. First, barefoot lawyers can provide legal services for farmers, turning legal rights into practical rights; secondly, barefoot lawyers improve farmers' legal awareness and spread the idea of the rule of law. Barefoot lawyers are a bridge between the world of life and the legal system; finally, barefoot lawyers play a role in merging folk law with national law. The fourth part, barefoot lawyer's living space and practice predicament under the legal professionalization system of our country. First of all, it briefly summarizes the trend and characteristics of the legal professionalization movement in contemporary China, and further reveals the problems such as the technology of legal knowledge, the monopoly of technology, the commercial interest and so on. Secondly, it proves that barefoot lawyers can be used as supplementary factors on the premise of regularization of legal profession system. Finally, the paper expounds the dilemma of barefoot lawyers in practice. The fifth part, barefoot lawyer future development prospect. Based on the above discussion, the author thinks that barefoot lawyers will exist for a long time as non-regularized legal workers in the transition period of China's dualized system. Of course, his status has yet to be legalized. With the construction of our legal profession community, barefoot lawyers will eventually be brought into the process of legal professionalization in our country. The sixth part is the conclusion that the realization of legal professionalization in China is a long-term process, so the existence of barefoot lawyers meets the needs of rural legal services at the present stage. But how to construct the legal service system which is suitable to the multiple legal service needs us to carry on the system innovation and the practice grope unceasingly.
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