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发布时间:2018-05-25 20:49

  本文选题:新三板项目 + 律师尽职调查 ; 参考:《扬州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Due diligence is when both parties to a transaction collect relevant information on key issues related to the proposed transaction by investigating their business partners or trading partners, thereby achieving the purpose of understanding the business partners and trading partners and discovering their business strengths and weaknesses. Identify its existing and potential major problems and important factors affecting the transaction, in order to provide a basis and basis for making a decision on whether to cooperate or trade with it, as well as bargaining and even an integration plan after the transaction is completed. Therefore, the new three-board project due diligence, is the first to consider lawyers. So as to strengthen the new three-board project risk management. This not only helps to improve the liquidity of the whole new third board market and promote the healthy development of the new third board market, but also helps lawyers to carry out the derivative business after the listing of the enterprise, thus prolonging the profit cycle of the new third board project. Based on the new situation of the development of the new three boards, this paper studies the due diligence of lawyers in the new three boards project. Firstly, the related theories of due diligence and lawyer due diligence are expounded. Secondly, the case study on the supervision and punishment of the law firm by the national stock-to-company. In nine cases, the author divided it into four businesses: legal due diligence for major litigation, arbitration, and administrative punishment, and legal due diligence for related transactions. Legal due diligence on major asset restructuring and legal due diligence on behalf of equity holders. Based on the analysis of the four businesses, the author summarizes the three major problems of due diligence in the new three board projects: the target company hides the true information, the due diligence lawyer relies too much on the evidence provided by the target enterprise, and fails to cooperate with other due diligence. Finally, from the legal point of view, the author expounds how to do a good job in the due diligence of lawyers in the new third board project.


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