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发布时间:2018-05-30 23:14

  本文选题:公共利益 + 社会公共利益 ; 参考:《苏州大学》2006年硕士论文

【摘要】: 在我国,社会公共利益被宪法和法律所认可,但是,现行立法对社会公共利益既无一个概括性的定义,也从未规定其具体内容。因此,在诉讼制度设计上也不可能有相应的救济制度。在现实生活中社会公共利益屡屡被侵犯,社会公共利益并无好的保障。司法实践中,司法保护的现行途径并不多;司法保护的依据大多是原则性的。本文中,笔者对社会公共利益的内涵进行了考查,对我国社会公共利益的状况进行了考察,并从社会主义民主与法治的要求、市场经济的要求、社会公共利益司法保护现实的需要等角度,对我国社会公共利益司法保护的重要性和迫切性进行了分析;并结合社会公共利益的司法保护的域外观,对我国社会公共利益被侵害的司法救济等方面进行了研究,,从宪法和有关法律规定的完善、法院和检察机关诉讼机制的完善、改进代表人诉讼制度、设立滥用公益诉讼赔偿机制等方面,对完善我国社会公共利益的司法保护提出了自己的见解和建议,以期对于司法实践有所裨益。
[Abstract]:In our country, the social public interest is recognized by the constitution and the law. However, there is neither a general definition nor the specific content of the social public interest in the current legislation. Therefore, there can be no corresponding relief system in the design of litigation system. In the real life, the social public interest is violated repeatedly, the social public interest does not have the good safeguard. In judicial practice, there are few current ways of judicial protection, and the basis of judicial protection is mostly principled. In this paper, the author examines the connotation of social public interest, examines the situation of social public interest in China, and from the requirements of socialist democracy and the rule of law, the requirements of market economy, This paper analyzes the importance and urgency of the judicial protection of the social public interest from the point of view of the need of the judicial protection of the social public interest, and combines the regional appearance of the judicial protection of the social public interest with the analysis of the importance and urgency of the judicial protection of the social public interest. This paper has carried on the research to our country social public interest to be infringed the judicial relief and so on aspect, from the constitution and the related law stipulation consummation, the court and the procuratorial organ lawsuit mechanism consummation, the improvement representative lawsuit system, The author puts forward his own opinions and suggestions on how to perfect the judicial protection of the public interest in our country in order to benefit the judicial practice in setting up the compensation mechanism of abuse of public interest litigation.


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