本文选题:法官职业思维 + 影响因素 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着社会主义现代化建设事业的不断深入,我国法治建设也取得了突飞猛进的成就,法学研究不再仅仅停留在制度层面,而更多的开始关注思想层面的问题。在司法领域,由于法院所处的重要位置,它可以说是社会的最后一道屏障,法官的地位也显得越来越重要,法官是如何思维的、如何面对各类案件、如何公正的做出裁决等,越来越多的成为人们关注的问题。马克思曾经提出,意识对人们的行动有反作用。同样法官职业思维对法官的裁判活动影响很大,对法官职业思维的研究是一项系统工程,法官的全部活动需要有正确的思维作为指导,研究法官职业思维,分析其不同于其它职业思维的特性,进而提出法官职业思维的培育路径,显得十分必要。 本文主要分三个部分。 第一部分,法官职业思维概述。该部分主要剖析了法官思维的概念和特性,提出法官思维是法律思维的一种,它是指法官在司法裁判活动中,以讼争案件为对象,依照司法认知规则,确定案件现实,寻觅适用法律,运用法律方法和技能处理纠纷的一种思维方法和进程。同时分析了法官职业思维对法治建设的意义。 第二部分,中国当代法官职业思维分析。该部分首先论述当代中国法官职业思维的特色,如人本思维、平衡思维等;其次对当代中国法官思维的误区作了一定的分析;最后,对影响法官职业思维的各种因素进行分析。通过以上分析,对我国法官职业思维现状可以有个充分认识。 第三部分,中国当代法官职业思维的完善。中国法官职业思维的建设是一项系统工程,完成这项工程需要各方面的努力。通过上述几部分的阐述,我们深深的感到完善中国法官职业思维的紧迫性,这是时代的号召,也是法治建设的需要。法官职业思维如何面对当前的现状,以后的路怎么走,在这部分进行了简要分析。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of socialist modernization construction, the construction of the rule of law in our country has made rapid progress, legal research is no longer just staying in the system level, but more begin to pay attention to the ideological level. In the judicial field, due to the important position of the court, it can be said that it is the last barrier of the society, and the position of the judge is becoming more and more important. How does the judge think, how to face all kinds of cases, how to make a fair decision, etc. More and more people pay attention to the problem. Marx once proposed that consciousness has a counterproductive effect on people's actions. At the same time, the professional thinking of judges has a great influence on judges' adjudication activities. The study of judges' professional thinking is a systematic engineering, and all the activities of judges need to be guided by correct thinking. It is necessary to analyze its characteristics different from other professional thinking and put forward the cultivation path of judges' professional thinking. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part is an overview of judges' professional thinking. This part mainly analyzes the concept and characteristics of the judge's thinking, and puts forward that the judge's thinking is a kind of legal thinking, which means that the judge, in the course of judicial adjudication, takes the contentious case as the object and determines the reality of the case according to the rules of judicial notice. Seek applicable law, use legal methods and skills to deal with disputes of a thinking method and process. At the same time, it analyzes the significance of judges' professional thinking to the construction of the rule of law. The second part, the professional thinking analysis of contemporary Chinese judges. This part first discusses the characteristics of contemporary Chinese judges' professional thinking, such as humanistic thinking, balanced thinking and so on; secondly, analyzes the misunderstanding of contemporary Chinese judges' thinking; finally, analyzes the various factors that affect judges' professional thinking. Through the above analysis, we can have a full understanding of the present situation of professional thinking of judges in our country. The third part, the perfection of professional thinking of Chinese contemporary judges. The construction of professional thinking of judges in China is a systematic project. Through the elaboration of the above several parts, we deeply feel the urgency of perfecting the professional thinking of Chinese judges, which is the call of the times and the need of the construction of the rule of law. How to face the present situation of judges' professional thinking and how to follow the future are briefly analyzed in this part.
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