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发布时间:2018-06-28 06:27

  本文选题:英国 + 二元律师制度 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:英国特有的二元律师制度,早在中世纪的时候就已经成立雏形。伴随着几个世纪的发展,英国律师制度以其高效性和专业性在世界律师界中独树一帜,并因其高度的专业化水准赢得了全世界各国的瞩目和赞赏。然而,在20世纪,一系列重大的律师制度改革打破了这片古老领域的宁静,即改革二元律师制度,将传统的出庭律师和事务律师进行融合。这项英国律师界的大变动,受到了全世界的深切关注,同时也引发了大量的争议和思考。 通常来说,一项制度的改革,出发的基点在于制度本身有着难以弥补的缺陷。但是,作为一项存续百年的文化,二元律师制度自其产生开始就表现出了无可比拟的先进性,即使在21世纪的今天,这样的分工专业化也具有极大的时代适应性。如此看来,改革二元律师制度的举措显得粗鲁和武断,也正是由于这样不合时宜的改革力量的强行推动,才导致了目前改革发展如此艰难的尴尬局面。20世纪发生的重大律师制度改革可以说仅是从制度本身论起,将该项制度的缺陷予以放大,改革本身是否能到达改革派所宣称的完美结局,目前看来还依然疑点重重。这项改革是否是以更为先进科学的体制取代所谓的传统落后的体制,目前依然还是雾里看花。 另外,任何一项改革的背后必然隐藏着深刻的社会抑或政治背景。20世纪发生的二元律师制度改革也是如此。要打破一项存续百年的传统制度,制度本身的缺陷只能是改革的一个切入点。在其背后推动这项改革发展的是更加复杂深刻的背景力量。英国自二战结束之后便开始进入到后福利制国家阶段,这一阶段对政府提出的种种要求,也顺其自然地反映到政府对国家管理方式的重构上,而律师界在这样一种时代背景下也成了改革的必然领域。因此,二元律师制度改革的发展,仿佛就是政府根据社会整体环境的变化,做出符合社会脉搏跳动节奏的举措,政府主导行为的出动仿佛正在等待一个时机的出现,满足政府借用社会环境变化的理由进而达到公权力扩大发展的目的仿佛势在必行。此外,律师界内部的利益争夺,全球化司法改革大背景等也是推动二元律师制度改革进行的深层动因。正是基于对这样复杂背景的考量,这项律师制度改革的前景也因此显得更加扑朔迷离,英国律师界的未来发展也不得不引发人们深深的思考。
[Abstract]:Britain's unique dual system of lawyers, as early as the Middle Ages have been established in the embryonic form. With the development of several centuries, the British lawyer system has gained the attention and appreciation of the world because of its high efficiency and professionalism. However, in the 20th century, a series of important reforms of the lawyer system broke the tranquillity of this ancient field, that is, reforming the dual system of lawyers, combining the traditional barristers and clerical lawyers. This great change in the British legal profession has aroused deep concern around the world and caused a great deal of controversy and thinking. Generally speaking, a system reform, the starting point lies in the system itself has irreparable defects. However, as a century-old culture, the dual lawyer system has shown unparalleled advancedness since its birth. Even in the 21st century, such division of labor and specialization has great adaptability to the times. In this way, the reform of the dual lawyer system appears rude and arbitrary, and it is precisely because of the forced push of such anachronistic reform forces. The major lawyer system reform that occurred in the 20th century can only be said to be from the system itself to amplify the defects of the system. Whether the reforms themselves will lead to what the reformers claim to be a happy ending remains doubtful. Whether the reform will replace what is called traditional backwardness with a more advanced scientific system is still in the dark. In addition, any reform must be hidden behind the profound social or political background of the 20 ~ (th) century of the dual lawyer system reform is the same. To break a hundred-year traditional system, the defects of the system itself can only be a breakthrough point of reform. Behind it is a more complex and profound background behind the development of this reform. Since the end of World War II, Britain has begun to enter the stage of post-welfare state. The demands on the government in this stage are also reflected naturally in the reconstruction of the government's mode of state management. Lawyers in such a background has become an inevitable field of reform. Therefore, the development of the dual lawyer system reform seems to be that the government, according to the changes in the overall social environment, has made measures that accord with the beat rhythm of the social pulse, and that the government-led action seems to be waiting for an opportunity to emerge. It seems imperative to satisfy the reason of government borrowing the social environment to achieve the purpose of expanding the public power. In addition, the internal interests of lawyers, the background of the globalization of the judicial reform are also the deep-seated motivation to promote the reform of the dual lawyer system. Because of the consideration of such complicated background, the prospect of the reform of the lawyer system becomes more and more complicated, and the future development of the British lawyers also has to arouse people's deep thinking.


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