本文选题:我国检察机关 + 侦查权配置 ; 参考:《西南交通大学》2011年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The disposition of the right of investigation is not only a simple legal question but also related to the political system arrangement. It is closely related to the state's criminal policy and the struggle against corruption. It means that the procuratorial organs use what means and ways to ensure the reasonable preparation and arrangement of the procuratorial organs' right of investigation in criminal proceedings, so as to realize the value of the investigation right. At the beginning, the purpose of this article is explained from the introduction, and the present research status of this topic is explained. The definition of the allocation of investigative right has been given, and the two modes of investigation right allocation and the conditions that affect the allocation of investigative power are demonstrated. What is the configuration of the right of investigation and how to configure the right of investigation? That is, when the legislator designs the substantive law, many cases are in accordance with a certain standard of division. Every investigative organ enjoys the power of filing a case in accordance with this standard. However, with the development of the society, the types of crime are more and more, the means of the crime are more and more diverse, and the crime is also more specialized, professional and underworld. The nature of the gang, the nature of the criminal group, the combination of the official business and the government and business, the number of cases of the state official being reduced to the black umbrella, the allocation of the power of investigation has to be redistributed in the departments enjoying the right of investigation in the case of the increase of criminal types. In order to effectively safeguard the legal order and realize the function of the punishment to contain the crime, the efficiency of the investigation should be improved. Therefore, it is also a realistic choice to strengthen the specialized construction of the investigative organs. The lateral disposition of the power of investigation is in favor of the specialized division of labor of the investigation organs, thus improving the ability of investigating the criminal cases under the jurisdiction of the investigative organs; at the same time, it is also beneficial to the definite responsibility. The configuration of the procuratorial organ's investigation power is compared with other machines. In the procedure, the realization of the investigative power of other investigative organs is relatively simple, and the realization of the investigative power of the procuratorial organ runs through every stage of the criminal procedure. In particular, the other investigative organs have the right to start the case, that is, the right to file a case and take the evidence. The case of duty crime under the jurisdiction of himself, the right of investigation and supervision, the right of supplementary investigation in the stage of examination and prosecution, the right of investigation in the stage of trial and so on, that is to say, the realization procedure of the procuratorial organ's investigation right is more extensive than that of other investigative organs, which is determined by the nature of the procuratorial organ and the legal supervision organ. The configuration of the power of investigation in the organ runs through the whole criminal procedure. In the procuratorial organ, it also includes the vertical configuration and the horizontal configuration. Because the procuratorial organs of the upper and lower levels of our country are the relationship between the leaders and the leaders, but not the guiding relations of the court, so there is a superior procuratorial organ in the longitudinal division of the procuratorial organ's investigation power. The disposition of the procuratorial organs is the right of control of cases, while the horizontal configuration of the right of investigation is to investigate the illegal and dereliction of duty of other investigative organs after the procuratorial organ is out of control of the power of investigation and supervision of other investigative organs. The parts of the configuration mode (the right to determine the determination of the investigation measures, the supervision of the investigation behavior, the execution of the investigation measures, etc.) are authorized to be exercised by different organs respectively, and the part of the horizontal configuration mode is adopted. (the right of criminal investigation is separately authorized to the public security organs, the procuratorial organs, the state security organs, and the military security, according to the types. " In the current mode of the allocation of the power of investigation, the procuratorial organ exercises both the power of the investigation of the crime of duty and the exercise of the power of the investigation and supervision and the decision of some investigation measures. In principle, the objective of the design of a system is closely related to the objective setting of the objective, and the purpose of the system design is restricted. It even determines the framework of the system and its practical effects. This kind of current mode of investigation power allocation leads to various difficulties and problems encountered by procuratorial organs in their work.
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