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发布时间:2018-07-05 00:47

  本文选题:政府信息真实性争议 + 行政诉讼 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:在政府信息公开领域内,现行立法对于政府信息公开的责任主体、公开内容范围、公开程序都有了相对细致的规定,并且在行政实践中也维持着总体稳定的法律法规实施力度。但由于立法的滞后性,对于政府信息公开的真实性完善、救济方法、监督体制以及责任确定上,无论是行政法规或是司法解释都鲜有明确的、可操作的规定。笔者在本文中,立足于政府信息公开的“真实公开原则”,以行政诉讼保障公民知情权、维护社会公共利益的功能以及人民法院对行政权的监督为基础,通过现行法律法规的梳理和案例分析,论证人民法院应当受理政府信息公开真实性争议的制度。并在此制度前提下,讨论该类案件的具体制度设定,并就相关延伸法律问题一并思考与探讨。 本文共分四章。第一章提出了政府信息公开真实性原则,描述了信息真实性的特点,并概括了信息真实性争议的涵义以及相关表现形式。提出了本文要讨论的最主要问题,即人民法院应不应当审查政府信息的真实性? 第二章表达了作者认为人民法院应当审理政府信息真实性争议的观点,并从公民知情权的保护、社会公共利益的保护以及人民法院审判权对行政权监督等三个角度,论证了人民法院受理并审查该类案件的法理基础。 第三章则是对政府信息真实性诉讼制度的具体探讨,在本章中,笔者主要参照现行法律体制,,从政府信息真实性的案由确定、原告资格、当事人的举证责任以及该类案件的判决形式等方面来阐述人民法院在具体案件审理中应关注的一些问题。 第四章则是探讨随着政府信息真实性审查制度的确立,政府信息公开领域内其他的一些问题与信息真实性诉讼之间的关系。如行政机关对错误信息的补正问题、政府信息真实性诉讼与反信息公开诉讼的关系以及行政机关对于错误政府信息造成当事人损害的行政赔偿问题。
[Abstract]:In the field of government information disclosure, the current legislation has relatively detailed provisions on the subject of responsibility for government information disclosure, the scope of public content and public procedures, and the implementation of the general and stable laws and regulations in the administrative practice. However, due to the lagging nature of the legislation, it is perfect for the authenticity of the government information disclosure. In this article, the author, based on the "true public principle" of government information disclosure, guarantees the right to know the citizens, maintains the function of the public interests, and the supervision of the people's Court on the administrative power. On the basis of the governor, through the combing and case analysis of current laws and regulations, it is demonstrated that the people's court should accept the system of public and truthfulness of government information. Under this system, the specific system of the case is set up, and the relevant extension legal issues are considered and discussed.
The first chapter is divided into four chapters. The first chapter puts forward the principle of public authenticity of government information, describes the characteristics of the authenticity of information, and summarizes the meaning of the information authenticity and the related forms of expression. The main problem is to put forward the question that the people's court should not examine the authenticity of the government information.
The second chapter expresses the author's view that the people's court should hear the truth of the government's information, and demonstrates the legal basis for the people's court to accept and examine the cases from the three angles of the protection of the right to know the citizens, the protection of the public interests and the judicial power of the people's courts to the supervision of the administrative power.
The third chapter is the concrete discussion of the government information authenticity litigation system. In this chapter, the author mainly refer to the current legal system, from the government information authenticity, the plaintiff qualification, the litigant's burden of proof and the form of the case, and other aspects of the people's court should pay attention to the specific cases. Problem.
The fourth chapter is to discuss the relationship between some other problems in the field of government information disclosure and the litigation of information authenticity in the field of government information authenticity, such as the correction of wrong information by the administrative organs, the relationship between the government information truth litigation and the anti information public litigation, and the administrative organs for the wrong administration. The administrative compensation caused by the government's information.


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