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发布时间:2018-07-05 14:36

  本文选题:检察机关 + 量刑建议 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:量刑建议是指人民检察院对提起公诉的被告人,依法就其适用的刑罚种类、幅度及执行方式等向人民法院提出的建议。量刑建议是检察机关公诉权的一项重要内容。2010年2月,最高人民检察院出台了《人民检察院开展量刑建议工作指导意见(试行)》,其中明确规定人民检察院对向人民法院提起公诉的案件,可以提出量刑建议。该指导性文件的下发实施标志着我国检察机关量刑建议制度初步确立。由于我国理论界对检察机关量刑建议制度研究起步较晚,并且在司法实务中才刚刚推行不久,难免会出现诸多问题,尚待完善,正因如此,笔者着重针对最高人民检察院《量刑建议指导意见》实施以来,各地检察机关在实务中出现的问题,分析原因,提出对策,以完善我国检察机关量刑建议制度设计。 本文中主要采用了比较研究、实证分析、系统分析等写作方法,将全文分为四个部分进行论述。第一部分是检察机关量刑建议概述。量刑建议权是量刑建议制度的核心内容,通过阐述和比较量刑建议权及其相关概念,厘清量刑建议权的内涵、性质及功能。第二部分是对我国检察机关量刑建议制度的实践考察。通过对我国当前检察机关量刑建议制度主要内容进行概述,并对当前总体运行情况进行评述,尤其是最高检《量刑建议指导意见》下发实施以来,对检察机关在司法实践中遇到和表现出的一些突出问题进行总结分析,以求进一步修正完善。第三部分是对域外量刑建议制度的考察。通过对域外主要国家的量刑建议制度进行考察,旨在学习借鉴域外量刑建议制度的先进经验,以求解决我国量刑建议制度存在的问题。第四部分是我国检察机关量刑建议制度的完善。该部分也是本文的研究重点,针对当前我国量刑建议实践中存在的主要问题,提出完善意见,并建立健全相关配套制度,全面加强和完善我国的量刑建议制度。
[Abstract]:Sentencing advice refers to the people's procuratorate's suggestions to the people's court on the types, extent and execution of the applicable penalty to the people's court according to law. Sentencing recommendations are an important part of the prosecutorial power. In February 2010, The Supreme people's Procuratorate has issued the guiding opinion of the people's Procuratorate on carrying out the work of sentencing suggestion (trial), which clearly stipulates that the people's Procuratorate may make recommendations on sentencing in the case of public prosecution to the people's court. The implementation of the guidance document marks the preliminary establishment of the sentencing recommendation system of our country's procuratorial organs. Because the theoretical circle of our country started the research of sentencing suggestion system of procuratorial organs relatively late, and it has just been implemented in judicial practice, there will inevitably appear many problems, which need to be perfected. The author focuses on the problems in practice of procuratorial organs in various places since the implementation of the Supreme people's Procuratorate's guidance on sentencing, analyzes the causes, and puts forward some countermeasures to perfect the system design of sentencing recommendations for procuratorial organs in China. This paper mainly uses comparative research, empirical analysis, system analysis and other writing methods, the full text is divided into four parts to discuss. The first part is a summary of sentencing recommendations of procuratorial organs. Sentencing suggestion right is the core content of sentencing suggestion system. By expounding and comparing sentencing suggestion right and its related concepts, the connotation, nature and function of sentencing suggestion right are clarified. The second part is the practice investigation of the sentencing suggestion system of our country's procuratorial organ. By summarizing the main contents of the current sentencing recommendation system of procuratorial organs in China, and commenting on the current overall operation situation, especially since the issuance and implementation of the Supreme Procuratorate's guidance on sentencing recommendations, This paper summarizes and analyzes some outstanding problems encountered and displayed by procuratorial organs in judicial practice in order to further revise and perfect them. The third part is the investigation of the system of extra-territorial sentencing suggestion. Through the investigation of the sentencing suggestion system of the main foreign countries, the purpose is to learn from the advanced experience of the extra-territorial sentencing suggestion system in order to solve the problems existing in the sentencing suggestion system of our country. The fourth part is the perfection of sentencing suggestion system of our country's procuratorial organs. This part is also the focus of this paper, in view of the main problems existing in the practice of sentencing recommendations in our country, put forward some suggestions, and establish a sound supporting system to strengthen and improve the system of sentencing recommendations in China.


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