发布时间:2018-07-13 10:12
【摘要】:随着社会管理的多元化,由诉讼引起的信访案件持续高位运营,由此带来的问题成为了政治学、法学、社会学高度关注研究的重要课题。涉诉信访在实践中具体表现为当事人针对法院在受理案件时的不作为、法官在具体审判过程中存在渎职或不公正行为提出控告、申诉,以及当事人对司法机关的审判裁决未达预期,案件执行不到位,权益保护不能获得切实的司法保护,导致部分民众寄希望于司法救济之外的信访途径来获取权利保护。 在政治经济体制的转轨的过渡期,错综复杂的社会关系引发社会矛盾突出、利益纠纷加剧。物质基础虽然决定上层建筑,但是相对作为物质基础的经济发展来说,作为上层建筑的我国司法体制出现了相对滞后性。在整个社会法治化尚出于低水平的情况下,面对日益强烈的民众维权意识,国家的司法权利救济体系的运转显得捉襟见肘。这便出现了救济力量不能达到群众需求的的矛盾。在维权动机驱使下当事人便借助一切可以使用的力量或者方式去寻求自己问题的解决,涉诉信访以其特有的优势成为众多维权渠道的最为重要的选择之一。在看到涉诉信访对群众权利和利益的保护以及对司法机关的监督方面的积极性的同时,其不可忽视的消极方面我们更应该给予更多的关注并进行解决,当事人利用涉诉信访解决自己所反映的问题往往寄希望于寻找权威力量和“清官”,深信权力大于法律,认为高官的批示会使自已获得救济的可能性增加,崇拜清官和个人权威,把问题的解决寄予权威的人而不是严谨的制度和程序。往往以过激的、非理性的行为方式借助媒体舆论的造势,社会的关注增加个人问题的解决筹码。 信访作为中国特有的制度在起到一定的历史及实际作用的同时,其在本质上是同现代宪政理念、法治化建设相违背的。从涉诉信访发生的具体情况来看,涉诉信访当事人往往是借助司法外的力量来影响法院的具体审判工作,这必然会干扰司法的独立,削弱司法权威、进而对民众的法治信任造成进一步的危害。随着社会管理的方式的改革,利益纠纷的加剧,涉诉信访问题的弊端日益显露,面对其本身无法克服的缺陷,通过分析其存在的困境,对其进行有针对性的消解这对我国法治话建设来说具有及其重要的意义。当然在我国当前法治程度不高,司法体制机制有待完善,社会管理水平尚待加强的境况下,涉诉信访问题的解决需要时间和良好的制度安排。要避免在良好司法救济机制未能建立起来之前一刀切的废止信访这种群众熟悉而又及其信赖的制度,以免造成群众利益保护的不力。笔者认为,制度的建立、程序的运行行、良好行为成为习惯首先应该要有思想的铺垫。物质虽然决定意识,但意识对物质的反作用不可以小觑。民众只有对司法产生信任、对司法权威产生认同才能对司法救济产生强烈的认可,进而对司法解决纠纷产生心理的依赖。在解决矛盾和纠纷时采用符合法定程序的法律救济途径;而放弃使用非程序、无规则的维权方式才有所可能。 另外,既然涉诉信访这种权利救济方式能够一直存在是因为我们的司法体制机制存在众多的缺陷,不能够很好的通过良好的司法运行来促进民众的权利利益的实现。那么从根源上减少和预防涉诉信访发生,有赖于建立完善的司法救济制度,我们一方面需要通过建立能够维护司法独立的有效机制;另一方面,通过制度安排使人们的诉权得到良好的落实,实现对当事人权利的有力保护和对侵权者合法有效的惩罚。随着司法救济制度的不断完善,涉诉信访就会逐步减少,两者不是平行的关系而是此消彼长的关系。 最后,笔者认为,解决当前涉诉信访高位运行应该从程序上进行构建,通过理论化宣传教育,使宪政法治理念深入人心,使法律信仰得以广泛普及实现人们对司法救济的认同;通过建立诉、访分离机制,分别建立诉、访终结规则,从程序架构上化解由于诉讼引发的信访问题。
[Abstract]:With the diversification of social management and the continuing high - level operation of the cases brought about by the litigation , the problems brought about by the litigation have become an important subject in the study of political science , law and sociology .
In the transitional period of the transition period of the political economy system , the complicated social relations have raised social contradictions and increased interest disputes .
With the reform of the way of social management , the mechanism of judicial system needs to be improved and the level of social management is still to be strengthened .
The waiver of the use of non - procedural , non - rule - based rights would be possible .
In addition , since there are many defects in our judicial system , it is not possible to promote the realization of the rights and interests of the public through a good judicial system . So the reduction and prevention of complaint visits from the root causes depends on the establishment of a perfect judicial relief system , and on the one hand , we need to establish an effective mechanism to safeguard the independence of the judiciary ;
On the other hand , through the system arrangement , people ' s right of access is well - implemented , the effective protection of the rights of the parties and the lawful and effective punishment of the torts are realized . With the improvement of the judicial relief system , the complaints and visits will be gradually reduced , and the relationship between the two is not parallel .
Finally , the author believes that the solution to the high - level operation of the current litigation should be constructed from the procedure , through theoretical propaganda and education , the idea of the constitutional rule of law is deeply rooted , so that the legal belief can be widely used to realize people ' s identification of judicial relief ;
Through the establishment of the complaint and the separation mechanism , the complaint and the termination rule are respectively established , and the problem of complaint caused by the lawsuit is solved from the procedural framework .
[Abstract]:With the diversification of social management and the continuing high - level operation of the cases brought about by the litigation , the problems brought about by the litigation have become an important subject in the study of political science , law and sociology .
In the transitional period of the transition period of the political economy system , the complicated social relations have raised social contradictions and increased interest disputes .
With the reform of the way of social management , the mechanism of judicial system needs to be improved and the level of social management is still to be strengthened .
The waiver of the use of non - procedural , non - rule - based rights would be possible .
In addition , since there are many defects in our judicial system , it is not possible to promote the realization of the rights and interests of the public through a good judicial system . So the reduction and prevention of complaint visits from the root causes depends on the establishment of a perfect judicial relief system , and on the one hand , we need to establish an effective mechanism to safeguard the independence of the judiciary ;
On the other hand , through the system arrangement , people ' s right of access is well - implemented , the effective protection of the rights of the parties and the lawful and effective punishment of the torts are realized . With the improvement of the judicial relief system , the complaints and visits will be gradually reduced , and the relationship between the two is not parallel .
Finally , the author believes that the solution to the high - level operation of the current litigation should be constructed from the procedure , through theoretical propaganda and education , the idea of the constitutional rule of law is deeply rooted , so that the legal belief can be widely used to realize people ' s identification of judicial relief ;
Through the establishment of the complaint and the separation mechanism , the complaint and the termination rule are respectively established , and the problem of complaint caused by the lawsuit is solved from the procedural framework .
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