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发布时间:2018-07-20 19:18
【摘要】:构建和谐社会是当今时代的话题,然而现在社会中存在的纠纷是影响和谐社会进程的主要因素之一,用合理的方式解决纠纷,平息社会中存在的矛盾、减少不和谐的因素是构建和谐社会的必然要求。新疆是一个多民族居住的区域,各民族群众在日常的交往产生的纠纷,直接影响了民族团结、边疆的和谐稳定。因此在这个多民族居住的区域,合理高效的解决纠纷显得尤为重要。 本文以实证研究的方法,以新疆的一个多民族杂居村为对象进行研究,对该村纠纷的类型、原因、主体、纠纷解决方式进行了调查,并对不同的纠纷解决方式分别进行了分析,以及对不同的纠纷方式所取得的社会效果进行了对比和研究,在此基础上,以构建和谐社会为背景,结合该民族杂居村纠纷解决的方式,探寻解决多民族杂居区域民间纠纷的科学合理的纠纷解决机制。 笔者在研究的基础上对该村的纠纷解决方式进行了总结,并分析了不同纠纷解决方式各自的优势和缺陷,结合现存的多元化纠纷解决机制特点,提出了适应以民族杂居区产生的纠纷为解决对象的多元化纠纷解决机制理念,即:以诉讼为主导、以非诉讼为补充,节约成本、提高效率,为构建和谐社会为核心的指导理念。探索出一条切实可行的实现途径,即:巩固和加强诉讼解决机制的权威地位和核心地位,支持和引导非诉讼纠纷解决机制健康发展,坚持和谐理念,协调好诉讼与非诉讼纠纷解决方式的关系。
[Abstract]:Building a harmonious society is a topic of the times. However, the disputes existing in the present society are one of the main factors affecting the process of the harmonious society. We can resolve the disputes in a reasonable way and appease the contradictions existing in the society. Reducing the factors of disharmony is the inevitable requirement of building a harmonious society. Xinjiang is a region inhabited by many nationalities. The disputes between the people of various nationalities in the daily communication directly affect the national unity and the harmony and stability of the frontier. Therefore, in this multi-ethnic region, reasonable and efficient dispute resolution is particularly important. In this paper, an empirical research method is used to investigate the types, causes, subjects and methods of dispute resolution of a multi-national mixed settlement village in Xinjiang, and the different dispute resolution methods are analyzed respectively. On the basis of the comparison and study of the social effects obtained by different dispute ways, the paper takes the construction of a harmonious society as the background, and combines the way of resolving the disputes in the mixed villages of this nationality. To explore a scientific and reasonable dispute resolution mechanism for solving the regional disputes of multi-nationalities. On the basis of the research, the author summarizes the dispute resolution methods of the village, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of different dispute resolution methods, and combines the characteristics of the existing diversified dispute resolution mechanism. This paper puts forward the idea of multiplex dispute resolution mechanism, which is based on litigation, supplemented by non-litigation, saves cost, improves efficiency and is the core of building a harmonious society. To explore a feasible way to realize, that is, to consolidate and strengthen the authority and core position of litigation settlement mechanism, to support and guide the healthy development of non-litigation dispute resolution mechanism, and to adhere to the concept of harmony. Coordinate the relationship between litigation and non-litigation dispute resolution.


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