[Abstract]:Due process of law is a platitudinous topic. It is not only an operational principle of the use of law, but also an idea. This paper studies the current situation of trial management at home and abroad. From the perspective of due process, this paper makes a thorough analysis of the contents of court trial management: from trial process management to case quality supervision and evaluation management. From the case judicial performance comprehensive evaluation management to the judicial data statistics four level network management, realizes the procedural safeguard trial management to meet the judicial justice and the efficiency request. The trial management of our country often presents the one-sided thinking of the entity without the procedure, and gradually makes the judicature lose its authority and produces a series of legal rights and interests which can not get timely, sufficient, fair protection and relief and so on, so, It is necessary to study the procedure of trial management. From the perspective of due process, this paper restates the concept of equal emphasis on judicial management procedure and entity to scholars and trial management reformers both at home and abroad, and changes the old traditional mode of emphasizing substance over procedure. The Supreme people's Court has decided to try out the unified rules for the implementation of the trial management of the national courts and standardized the trial management system of the courts at all levels in our country. The proper legislative procedure can guarantee the management procedure of trial management, realize the concrete value of procedure in the management, make up the blank area of the procedure law in the court trial management, and finally play the constitutional responsibility of protecting the legal rights and interests of citizens. The development of a system is not only a direct attack on the system itself, but more importantly, the brave advance of ideology, the use of the tide of thought to lead the "practical reform" forward, and the use of the torrent of thought to fight the obstacles to the reform process. Considering the legitimacy of the trial management procedure itself as important as the substantive outcome of a case that is fair after trial, In the course of trial management, it is emphasized that only when the mechanism of trial management embodies the basic objective of due process of law, can the concept of procedural justice be reaffirmed on the basis of judicial justice. However, in emphasizing the procedural process of judicial reform of the trial management system, we must see the "administrative" trend of the current Chinese court management system, which is the current situation of Chinese court management and cannot be ignored. How to prevent the trial management from strengthening "administration" and avoiding "going too far" in trial management, undoubtedly, we need to strengthen the concept of procedure and go deep into the ideological roots of trial managers with the idea of due process. While avoiding the trend of strengthening the administration of the court, we should promote the judge administrator's deep understanding of the procedural value and take the road of ensuring the judicial justice and efficiency by the procedure.
相关期刊论文 前10条
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