[Abstract]:The victory of the October Revolution opened a new era in human history. How to consolidate the Soviet regime, how to build the socialist rule of law, Lenin, a revolutionary mentor. Guided by Marxism and proceeding from the actual situation in Russia, he began to explore the socialist procuratorial system suitable for the Soviet Union, and formed the socialist procuratorial thought with Soviet characteristics. These procuratorial thoughts not only laid the theoretical foundation of the Soviet socialist procuratorial system, but also had an important impact on the construction of our procuratorial system and even the entire judicial system. The paper reveals the historical background and theoretical origin of Lenin's procuratorial thought, systematically combs and summarizes the main contents of Lenin's procuratorial thought: the procuratorial power of independent exercise of power, emphasizing the judicial attribute and independence of procuratorial power; To implement a top-down vertical leadership system to safeguard the authority of procuratorial organs; to emphasize that Russia has a unified legal system and to supervise the conduct of all state institutions; and that procuratorial powers have not only general supervisory functions but also litigation supervisory functions. It includes the supervision of criminal cases, civil cases and administrative acts; discusses the relationship and difference between the procuratorial organs of the Soviet and the supervisory organs; and refines the characteristics of Lenin's procuratorial thought, that is, people's character, practicality and innovation. The procuratorial thought must be rooted in the procuratorial practice in order to better assume the important duty and sacred mission entrusted to the procuratorial organ by law. Lenin's procuratorial thought is a theoretical guide to the practice of procuratorial supervision in China. It maintains the unity of the socialist legal system for the procuratorial departments of our country, exercises independent powers, comprehensively performs the supervisory function of litigation, and restrains the corruption of law enforcement personnel. The protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the supervised persons provides an important theoretical basis. Studying and studying Lenin's procuratorial thought has important theoretical significance and practical value in guiding the procuratorial practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
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