发布时间:2018-10-13 12:38
【摘要】:自从人类社会出现国家、政府以来,对权力进行监督与制约并使其能在良性的轨道上运行,一直是先贤们不断孜孜探求的目标。而对此必要性进行最为经典的阐述莫过于孟德斯鸠在《论法的精神》一书中所指出:“一切有权力的人都容易滥用权力,这是万古不易的一条经验”。可见,权力必须受到监督是任何一个奉行民主政治的国家里公共权力运作的基本规则,不受制约的权力必然导致腐败。既然司法权也属于国家权力的范畴,把司法权纳入到国家权力监督与制约的体系中自然也就是题中应有之义。 目前我国的司法腐败有愈演愈烈之势,司法权的运行缺乏必要、合理的监督与制约。主要表现在党和政府的权力过于扩张,有不当干涉司法权运行之嫌。人大监督体制先天缺失,不足以承担监督与制约司法权的重任;中国市民社会尚未完全形成,国家对私权利保护不足,私权利自身尚不能形成一股有效的监督与制约的力量;“程序正义”的观念有待普及,法律程序制定粗陋,无法形成对司法权的有效制约;新闻法制定滞后,媒体监督依据不足;司法职业群体未完全形成,司法官员职业素养不高,司法职业道德水平低下,无法通过自律方式保证司法权的规范运行。 为保证司法权监督与制约机模式的科学性与有效性,本文从从权力的监督与制约、权利的监督与制约、程序的监督与制约、新闻舆论的监督与制约、职业道德的监督与制约这五大监督体系角度中若干重要部分考察现有监督与制约模式的运行状态,分析其中产生问题的具体原因,并通过比较法的考察,以期建构出完整、合理、高效的司法权监督与制约模式。 本文从内容上分为三章①,其中第一章考察了近代中国司法权的起源,评述了我国审判权的概念和特征,并阐明了司法独立与司法监督的关系。第二章在对上述基本理论考量以后,笔者重点从权力的监督与制约、权利的监督与制约、程序的监督与制约、新闻舆论的监督与制约、职业道德的监督与制约的角度分析了现有司法权监督与制约模式的现状及存在的问题。第三章重点从权力的监督与制约、权利的监督与制约、程序的监督与制约、新闻舆论的监督与制约、职业道德的监督与制约的角度提出了完善的方案。
[Abstract]:Since the emergence of the country and the government in human society, it has been the goal of the sages to supervise and restrict the power and make it run on the benign track. The most classical explanation of this necessity is Montesquieu's book on the Spirit of the Law, which points out that "all those who have power are apt to abuse power, which is an everlasting experience". It can be seen that power must be supervised is the basic rule of public power operation in any country that pursues democratic politics, and unchecked power inevitably leads to corruption. Since judicial power also belongs to the category of state power, it is natural to bring judicial power into the system of supervision and restriction of state power. At present, judicial corruption is becoming more and more serious in our country, and the operation of judicial power is lack of necessary, reasonable supervision and restriction. The main manifestation is that the power of the Party and the government is too expanded and improper interference in the operation of the judicial power. The national people's Congress supervision system is not enough to bear the responsibility of supervising and restricting the judicial power, the civil society in China has not been completely formed, the state has not enough protection to the private rights, and the private rights themselves can not form an effective force of supervision and restriction. The concept of "procedural justice" needs to be popularized, the legal procedure is crude, it is impossible to form an effective restriction on judicial power, the press law is lagging behind, the basis for media supervision is insufficient, the judicial professional group is not fully formed, and the professional literacy of judicial officials is not high. The level of judicial professional ethics is low and can not guarantee the normal operation of judicial power by self-discipline. In order to ensure the scientific and validity of the mode of supervision and restriction of judicial power, this paper starts with the supervision and restriction of power, the supervision and restriction of right, the supervision and restriction of procedure, the supervision and restriction of news public opinion. Some important parts of the five supervision system of professional ethics examine the running state of the existing supervision and restriction mode, analyze the specific causes of the problems, and through the comparative study, in order to construct the integrity, Reasonable and efficient judicial power supervision and restriction model. The first chapter examines the origin of judicial power in modern China, reviews the concept and characteristics of judicial power in China, and clarifies the relationship between judicial independence and judicial supervision. The second chapter focuses on the supervision and restriction of power, the supervision and restriction of rights, the supervision and restriction of procedure, and the supervision and restriction of news public opinion. From the angle of supervision and restriction of professional ethics, this paper analyzes the present situation and existing problems of the current mode of supervision and restriction of judicial power. The third chapter focuses on the supervision and restriction of power, the supervision and restriction of rights, the supervision and restriction of procedure, the supervision and restriction of news public opinion, and the supervision and restriction of professional ethics.
[Abstract]:Since the emergence of the country and the government in human society, it has been the goal of the sages to supervise and restrict the power and make it run on the benign track. The most classical explanation of this necessity is Montesquieu's book on the Spirit of the Law, which points out that "all those who have power are apt to abuse power, which is an everlasting experience". It can be seen that power must be supervised is the basic rule of public power operation in any country that pursues democratic politics, and unchecked power inevitably leads to corruption. Since judicial power also belongs to the category of state power, it is natural to bring judicial power into the system of supervision and restriction of state power. At present, judicial corruption is becoming more and more serious in our country, and the operation of judicial power is lack of necessary, reasonable supervision and restriction. The main manifestation is that the power of the Party and the government is too expanded and improper interference in the operation of the judicial power. The national people's Congress supervision system is not enough to bear the responsibility of supervising and restricting the judicial power, the civil society in China has not been completely formed, the state has not enough protection to the private rights, and the private rights themselves can not form an effective force of supervision and restriction. The concept of "procedural justice" needs to be popularized, the legal procedure is crude, it is impossible to form an effective restriction on judicial power, the press law is lagging behind, the basis for media supervision is insufficient, the judicial professional group is not fully formed, and the professional literacy of judicial officials is not high. The level of judicial professional ethics is low and can not guarantee the normal operation of judicial power by self-discipline. In order to ensure the scientific and validity of the mode of supervision and restriction of judicial power, this paper starts with the supervision and restriction of power, the supervision and restriction of right, the supervision and restriction of procedure, the supervision and restriction of news public opinion. Some important parts of the five supervision system of professional ethics examine the running state of the existing supervision and restriction mode, analyze the specific causes of the problems, and through the comparative study, in order to construct the integrity, Reasonable and efficient judicial power supervision and restriction model. The first chapter examines the origin of judicial power in modern China, reviews the concept and characteristics of judicial power in China, and clarifies the relationship between judicial independence and judicial supervision. The second chapter focuses on the supervision and restriction of power, the supervision and restriction of rights, the supervision and restriction of procedure, and the supervision and restriction of news public opinion. From the angle of supervision and restriction of professional ethics, this paper analyzes the present situation and existing problems of the current mode of supervision and restriction of judicial power. The third chapter focuses on the supervision and restriction of power, the supervision and restriction of rights, the supervision and restriction of procedure, the supervision and restriction of news public opinion, and the supervision and restriction of professional ethics.
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