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发布时间:2018-10-14 12:57
【摘要】:对陪审制度的研究历来是中外法学界经久不衰的一个课题,陪审制度是现代民主国家一项重要的政治制度,是政治文明的重要标志,被西方国家誉为“自由之明灯,宪法之车轮”。陪审制度在促进司法公正、实现司法监督、推动司法独立等方面都有不可磨灭的作用。但陪审制度在中国发展到今天,几乎成了一个可有可无的制度,“废除论”与“保存论”的争论也一直未有停止。陪审制度到底应不应该废除?中国的陪审制度路在何方?本文就是在承认这一现状的基础上展开的叙述,以期通过分析陪审制度的现状、困境、原因来探寻陪审制度的改革之路,并提供一点规范化、科学化的改革建议。 全文共分五个部分,简述如下: 引言部分简单叙述了陪审制度的价值和目前存在的缺陷,为接下来分析我国的陪审制度提供了一个理论背景。 第一章讲述了我国陪审制度的概念、发展历程和特点。陪审制度就是法院在审理案件的过程中,依法吸收普通民众、非职业法官参加庭审,与法官共同审理案件的一项司法制度。通过分析陪审制度的两种模式,明确我国的陪审制度属于参审制范围,并概述了陪审制度在我国的发展历程。紧接着文章又分析了陪审制度的性质,主要从司法民主和政治民主角度,将陪审制度定位在既是一项司法制度又是政治文明的重要标志。 第二章主要分析了陪审制度的现状和困境。通过分析2004年全国人大常委会审议并通过的《关于完善人民陪审员的决定》,引出我国陪审制度实践运行并不令人满意,从而引发了关于陪审制度存废与否的争论。“废除论”与“保存论”都各有其理由,在分析两种观点的基础上引出笔者观点:即陪审制度有其独特价值,不应该废除。 第三章是在第二章的基础上对陪审制度困境的原因分析。从中国国情出发,分析了传统的诉讼模式上的制约、党的考虑、官本位的传统等因素对陪审制度运行的影响。并分析了英美法系国家陪审团制与我国陪审员制度的不同,具体表现在陪审人员的产生上不同、陪审员的权限上不同、庭审上不同以及身份地位上不同。 第四章是对完善我国陪审制度的一些建议和思考。首先,明确了陪审制度不可废,并分析了陪审制度的价值:第一,具有程序保障功能,保障被告人程序上的选择权利;第二,具有促进司法公正功能,实现民众对司法的期望;第三,具有司法监督功能,防止法官徇私枉法;第四,具有推动司法独立审判功能,减少党政机关对于司法审判的干涉。其次,对完善陪审制度提出了一些建议:第一,增强民众的陪审观念培养,加强宣传、革新思想;第二,从法律移植方面借鉴英美法系的陪审团制。具体而言就是要从宪法角度对陪审制度给予保障,并细化陪审制度的适用范围、增加合议庭中陪审员的比重;第三,重点发展基层法院陪审制度。通过随机抽取选择有民众代表性的陪审员;第四,发展专家陪审员。在一些专业性比较突出的案件中选择专业知识丰富、在某一领域具有一定威望、而且社会表现良好的人员为专家陪审员;第五,制度化、科学化管理陪审员。加强陪审员的专业培训和监督管理;第六,充分发挥陪审员在调解案件中的作用。利用陪审员了解民情、热心调解等优势,化解社会矛盾,解决纠纷。
[Abstract]:The study of the system of democracy has always been an enduring topic in the academic circles of both Chinese and foreign countries. The system of democracy is an important political system in modern democratic countries. It is an important symbol of political civilization. It is regarded as an important symbol of political civilization. "Liberty, the wheels of the constitution". The jury system has an indelible role in promoting judicial justice, realizing judicial supervision and promoting judicial independence. But the system has developed in China to today and almost became an optional system. On the abolition of "theory" AND Preservation Theory The argument has not been stopped. Should the jury system be abolished? Where is China's legal system? This paper, on the basis of the recognition of this situation, aims at exploring the current situation, plight and reason of the system of privatization, and provides a standardized and scientific reform proposal. The full text is divided into five parts, Jane The following are as follows: The introduction part briefly describes the value of the jury system and the existing defects, and provides for the following analysis of China's legal system. A theoretical background is given in chapter 1. The first chapter is about our country's legal system. The concept, development course and characteristic of the court is that the court, in the process of hearing the case, absorbs the ordinary people according to law, the non-professional judge participates in the trial, and judges with the judge. It is a judicial system to try cases. By analyzing the two models of the jury system, it is clear that China's legal system belongs to the scope of the review system, and outlines the company's company. In the course of our country's development, the article analyses the nature of the jury system, mainly from the angle of judicial democracy and political democracy, the position of the jury system is both a judicial system and a judicial system. It is also an important symbol of political civilization. Based on the analysis of the decision of the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in 2004 and adopted by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in 2004, it is not satisfactory to draw out the practice of the jury system in our country. It's about the company. Audited system storage waste and No, there are reasons for "abolition" and "preservation theory", which leads to the author's point of view on the basis of analyzing the two views: The system has its unique value and should not be abolished. The second chapter analyzes the cause of the dilemma of the system of litigation. From the situation of China, it analyzes the restriction of the traditional lawsuit mode, the party's consideration, The influence of official standard and other factors on the operation of jury system is analyzed, and the difference between jury system and jury system in Anglo-American law system is analyzed. Different from the limit, the differences in the trial and the status of identity. The fourth chapter is to make some suggestions and reflections on the perfection of the jury system of our country. First, it is clear that the jury system is not waste, and analyzes the value of the jury system: First, it has the function of program guarantee and guarantees the right of choice of the defendant's program; secondly, it has the function of promoting the judicial justice. Third, it has the function of judicial supervision to prevent the judge from violating the law; and, fourth, has the promotion division. Secondly, we put forward some suggestions on the perfection of the jury system: First, strengthen people's opinion culture, strengthen propaganda and innovation. Second, we should draw on the jury system of Anglo-American law system from the perspective of legal transplant. The proportion of jurors; thirdly, focus on the development of the system of grass-roots courts in the grass-roots courts. The selection of a representative juror; the fourth, the development of an expert assessor. In some professional, prominent cases, the choice of expertise is rich, with a certain prestige in a field, and a well-behaved society The person is the jury of the experts; the fifth, the system and the scientific management juror. Strengthen the professional training and supervision of the jurors To manage; Sixth, give full play to the role of jurors in mediation cases. Use jurors.


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