[Abstract]:The precious experience of civil justice in the Shensi-Kansu-Ningxia Border region is a rare treasure in the judicial history of our country, and its distinctive features play an important role in the history of socialist legal system in our country. And up to now still in the judicial practice and the theory research has produced the influence which cannot be ignored. However, it is a pity that so far, although there are no few scholars studying the judicial system in the Border region, few scholars have made a systematic and in-depth study on the unique civil judicial characteristics of the Border region. In this paper, the author tries to break this pattern, try to search in the vast historical data and the study of the border area, showing the civil judicial characteristics of the border area. And on the basis of analyzing the historical background and social reasons of its formation, the author hopes to gain some beneficial enlightenment to the contemporary civil justice in our country. Based on the above ideas, the full text is divided into four chapters: chapter one: introduction. This part is mainly from the research value of the topic and the research status of the topic for a comprehensive understanding and grasp of the topic, at the same time introduced the basic literature and materials, several important concepts related to the subject (Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border region, Shaanxi-Kansu-Ningxia Border region), Civil justice, the characteristics of the interpretation, for the subsequent development of paving the way. Chapter two: the content analysis of civil judicial characteristics in Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia Border region. Through the research and analysis of a large number of historical data, combined with the existing research results, this chapter explores the specific contents of the civil judicial characteristics of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border region, mainly from the concept of civil justice, the principles of civil justice, the civil judicial system. Ma Xiwu trial method and other aspects of research, microcosm, concrete exploration of each aspect of civil justice in the characteristics of the border region. The third chapter: the formation background and conditions of civil judicial characteristics in Shaanxi-Kansu-Ningxia Border region. The purpose of this chapter is to analyze deeply the background and conditions of the formation of civil judicial characteristics in the Shensi-Kansu-Ningxia Border region, and to dig out the profound historical reasons, political reasons and regional folklore of the formation of the civil judicial characteristics in the Border region in order to be more three-dimensional. A more vivid way of showing the other side of the border region civil justice. And through this kind of research on the background and conditions of its formation, this paper lays the groundwork for whether the current civil justice in our country can learn from these characteristics and how to learn from the experience of these characteristics. The fourth chapter: the civil judicial characteristics of Shaanxi-Kansu-Ningxia Border region and contemporary enlightenment. This chapter comments on the civil judicial characteristics of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border region on the basis of the above, and puts forward the author's understanding of these characteristics. And try to find out what kind of historical reflection and beneficial enlightenment can be brought by the distinctive characteristics of civil justice in Shensi-Kansu-Ningxia Border region to perfect the current civil judicature. The purpose is not to study for the sake of research, but to return to the essence of legal research. From practice and guide practice. Finally: the conclusion part. It is pointed out that the civil judicial characteristics of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border region are not out of date. In the process of deepening the judicial reform, the civil judicial characteristics of the Border region should play an important role in the mass line and the localization of justice.
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