[Abstract]:Judicial facilitation is not only a kind of judicial view, but also a judicial reform movement. This paper starts with the domestic and foreign judicial reform experience materials, combs the basic measures and experience of the foreign judicial facilitation reform, reviews the judicial facilitation tradition and the evolution course of the judicial facilitation in our country. And draw the conclusion: the global judicial facilitation reform tide has already formed, is still unfolding. Then, by using the method and theoretical framework of jurisprudence, the author analyzes the facilitation of judicial reform and reveals the theoretical background, value goal and system idea of judicial facilitation reform movement. The article points out that judicial facilitation is based on the concept of social rule of law, which embodies the basic concept of "judicature for the people", takes efficiency as the priority value demand, and aims to protect the parties' right of claim. It reflects the trend of legal globalization. On the basis of empirical research and theoretical analysis, the article focuses on the substantive analysis of the problems existing in the actual operation of the current judicial facilitation in China, and through the comparison of the reform of judicial facilitation between China and foreign countries. The way to deepen the reform of judicial facilitation in China is discussed. Finally, according to the simple, rapid, low-cost, easy to use, easy to understand the process objectives, the judicial operation of the simple and fast, judicial facilitation and court setting, supervision and control mechanism, etc. Advocate the establishment of judicial facilitation operating mechanism that conforms to Chinese judicial tradition and embodies Chinese judicial characteristics.
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