[Abstract]:Justice is the last line of defense to safeguard social fairness and justice. Courts resolve disputes, quell contradictions and restore order by exercising judicial power. However, the result of the operation of judicial power is not perfect, the judgment documents made by the court will make various kinds of mistakes; therefore, various countries have set up various ways to remedy the "wrong" judgment, and the judgment correction is one of them. In a sense, judgment correction is an indispensable part of the civil litigation system, but the provisions on judgment correction in our country are too careless, and the application of judgment correction in judicial practice is also chaotic. In view of this, this article through the analysis, compares the overseas judgment correction mature theory, summarizes our country judgment correction system existence insufficiency, and puts forward own improvement suggestion on this basis. The paper is divided into four parts. The main contents are as follows: the first part reveals the connotation and legal basis of judgment correction. This part first clarifies the connotation of judgment correction and puts forward that "obvious error" should be used instead of "slip". Then it discusses the three legal basis of judgment correction: procedural equivalence, procedural efficiency and judicial authority. The second part explains two elements that must be possessed in the correction of starting judgment. The court must comply with the elements of the judgment correction if it is to correct the judgment instrument that has been made. On the one hand, there must be miswriting, miscalculation and other obvious errors, which are the positive elements of judgment correction; on the other hand, the result of judgment correction cannot change the substance of the original judgment, which is the negative element of judgment correction. In addition, this part also discusses four kinds of controversial forms of obvious errors, such as "whether the obvious error is limited to the fault of the court" and "whether or not the judgment main text can be corrected", and puts forward its own point of view. The third part discusses the relevant procedural framework of judgment correction. This part includes five aspects: the initiation of judgment correction, the subject of judgment correction, the trial of judgment correction, the judgment of judgment correction and the validity of judgment correction. The initiation of judgment correction involves which subjects have the right to start the judgment correction procedure, how the subject with the right to start should start the correction procedure, and whether there should be a time limit for the commencement of the judgment correction. The main body of judgment correction mainly involves whether the power of correction belongs to the judge or court that made the original decision. The trial and judgment of judgment correction mainly discuss whether the court can conduct verbal debate or evidence investigation when hearing the application for correction and whether the parties concerned can appeal the result of the judgment and so on. The validity of the judgment correction mainly discusses the relationship between the correction ruling and the original referee, and draws the conclusion that the correction ruling is a part of the original referee and its effect is traced back to the time when the original judgment was confirmed. The fourth part discusses the deficiency and perfection of judgment correction system in China. Compared with the mature theories about judgment correction outside China, the legislation of our country is too careless and there are four specific manifestations: the starting subject of judgment correction is not clear, and the parties lack the remedy way to correct ruling. The omission of litigation costs shall be included in the judgment correction procedure, and the scope of application of the judgment correction is unclear. In view of the above four deficiencies, this paper puts forward the corresponding improvement suggestions for the case: first, both the parties and the court have the right to initiate the judgment correction process; Second, to grant the litigant the right to protest or appeal against the decision to correct or reject the application for correction; third, to remove the omission of litigation costs from the judgment correction procedure; Fourthly, it is clearly stipulated that judgment correction is applicable to the civil order and the obvious errors in the civil mediation document.
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