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发布时间:2018-02-02 21:01

  本文关键词: 补贴 SCM协定 人民币汇率 出处:《大连海事大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着中国经济的崛起,人民币汇率持续升温。近年来,美国对人民币汇率的指控越来越多的集中在人民币汇率低估构成对中国出口产品的不正当补贴上。美国要想认定人民币汇率构成《补贴和反补贴措施协定》下的不正当补贴,将人民币汇率补贴提交WTO,首先要解决两个基本问题:汇率补贴的管辖权问题和人民币汇率补贴的法律依据问题。本文围绕着这两个基本问题展开。由于判断WTO对于人民币汇率问题的管辖权,是认定人民币汇率补贴问题的前提。因此笔者首先从程序法的角度论述了WTO争端解决机构对于人民币汇率补贴问题的管辖权。然后从实体法的角度分析了人民币汇率并不构成《补贴和反补贴措施协定》下的补贴,也无法归类到《补贴和反补贴措施协定》下的补贴的类型。最后笔者针对人民币汇率补贴国际法律问题,笔者提出了自己在法律上的对策思考。 本文共分为五章。 第1章,介绍了补贴的基础理论。主要包括补贴的定义和国际法规范。简要介绍了人民币汇率制度的内容和中国汇改的背景,以及汇率制度的国际法规范。还介绍了所谓人民币汇率补贴论的相关内容及其汇率补贴的国际法规制。 第2章主要从程序法的角度,结合相关国际法律规范以及IMF和WTO的分工和相互关系,对WTO关于人民币汇率补贴反补贴问题的管辖权进行了论述。 第3章笔者从《补贴和反补贴措施协定》第1条关于补贴的基本特征着手,重点分析了人民币汇率不符《补贴和反补贴措施协定》有关补贴的要件中有关“财政资助”、“授予利益”的规定。得出人民币汇率无法构成《SCM协定》下的补贴。 第4章,笔者对《补贴和反补贴措施协定》下补贴的类型着手,通过研究《SCM协定》所明确禁止的补贴-专向性补贴,以及属于专向性补贴但是不需要进行专向性测试的禁止性补贴,得出由于《补贴和反补贴措施协定》所规定的补贴类型有限,在现有的《SCM协定》框架下人民币汇率不符合任何一种补贴的类型。 第5章,最后笔者提出了中国在人民币汇率问题上的法律对策思考。
[Abstract]:With the rise of China's economy, the RMB exchange rate continues to heat up in recent years. U.S. accusations of the RMB exchange rate are increasingly centred on the fact that the undervaluation of the RMB constitutes an improper subsidy to Chinese exports. The United States would like to conclude that the RMB exchange rate constitutes a form of subsidy and countervailing measures under the Agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures. Improper subsidies. Submit RMB exchange rate subsidy to WTO. First, there are two basic issues to be solved:. The jurisdiction of the exchange rate subsidy and the legal basis of the RMB exchange rate subsidy. This paper focuses on these two basic issues. Because of judging the jurisdiction of the WTO on the RMB exchange rate. Therefore, the author first discusses the jurisdiction of the WTO dispute settlement body on the RMB exchange rate subsidy from the point of view of procedural law, and then analyzes the person from the perspective of substantive law. The exchange rate does not constitute a subsidy under the Agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures. In the end, the author puts forward his own legal countermeasures against the international legal problems of RMB exchange rate subsidy, which can not be classified into the types of subsidies under the Agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures. This paper is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the basic theory of subsidy, including the definition of subsidy and the norms of international law, and briefly introduces the contents of RMB exchange rate regime and the background of China's exchange rate reform. It also introduces the relevant contents of the so-called RMB exchange rate subsidy theory and the international law regulation of the exchange rate subsidy. The second chapter mainly from the point of view of procedural law, combined with the relevant international legal norms and the division of labor and the relationship between IMF and WTO. This paper discusses the jurisdiction of WTO on the issue of RMB exchange rate subsidy countervailing. In Chapter 3, the author starts with the basic characteristics of subsidies in Article 1 of the Agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures. This paper focuses on the analysis of the "financial assistance" in the elements of subsidy in the Agreement on subsidy and countervailing measures against the RMB exchange rate. The "grant of benefits" requirement. It is concluded that the RMB exchange rate cannot constitute a subsidy under the SCM Agreement. In Chapter 4, the author begins with the types of subsidies under the Agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures, and studies the specific subsidies prohibited by the Agreement of SCM. And the prohibition of subsidies which are specific subsidies but do not need to be tested specifically, it is concluded that the types of subsidies provided for in the Agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures are limited. Under the existing SCM Agreement, the RMB exchange rate does not correspond to any type of subsidy. In chapter 5, the author puts forward the legal countermeasures of RMB exchange rate in China.


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