本文关键词: 文化财产 国际争议 法律冲突 出处:《山西大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:文化财产是一种特殊的人类财产,它是指在人类文明进程中经人类社会创造及世代相传并遗留于后世的具有历史性、学术性、科学性及艺术性等价值的历史文化遗产。其中,文化价值是文化财产的特殊属性,它在深层次上赋予文化财产承担着一个国家、民族的部分情感象征职能,象征着一个国家、民族的成就、价值和信仰。因此,在现实中追索文化财产的所有权对一个国家、一个民族有着十分重要的意义。 然而由于侵略战争、野蛮盗掘、走私猖狂等原因,中国和世界上其他文化资源大国的文化财产屡遭劫难,不计其数的瑰宝大量流失境外。追索文化财产所有权非常迫切,意义十分重大,但由于各地域间、各法系间的法律规制方式不尽相同,再加上跨境追索文化财产本身所具有的特殊性和复杂性,实践中必然会不可避免地遇到方方面面的法律冲突,而妥善应对并解决这些法律冲突是成功追回非法流转文化财产所有权的前提条件。因此,研究如何妥善地在这些法律冲突中做出正确的选择从而在文化财产国际争议中处于优势地位是当务之急。本文对文化财产国际争议中现存的主要法律冲突进行了分析,并对相关的国际立法和一些国家的国内法规则进行了分析,最后结合中国在文化财产国际争议中的现实处境提出了一些法律选择建议。 本文除引言和结语外,包括以下三部分内容: 第一部分对法律冲突在文化财产国际争议解决中的主要表现进行了分析研究。首先,对文化财产国际争议在冲突法上的冲突进行了分析,其中,对物之所在地法、最密切联系原则、来源国法适用于文化财产国际争议中的利弊因素进行了分析总结。其次,以比较法的视角对文化财产国际争议中所有权保护的不同规定从大陆法系和英美法系两个方面进行了比较分析。最后,对文化财产国际争议中两大法系对时效冲突的不同处理方法做了比较分析。 第二部分对文化财产国际争议法律冲突解决的现行机制进行了分析研究。首先,对国际立法即1970年UNESCO公约和1995年UNIDROIT公约的有关规定进行了深入细致的研究。其次,对文化财产市场国和文化财产来源国的国内立法进行了分析研究,其中,文化财产市场国选择以美国的相关立法为研究对象,文化财产来源国选择以意大利的相关立法为研究对象。 第三部分对中国在文化财产国际争议法律冲突中的现实选择进行了分析研究。首先,分析了中国流失文化财产处境的艰难性与复杂性以及中国追索流失文化财产的重大意义。其次,对中国在文化财产国际争议中的法律适用、所有权保护、时效上的法律冲突进行了选择分析,并提出了一些自己的建议。
[Abstract]:Cultural property is a special kind of human property. It refers to the historical and academic nature created by human society and passed down from generation to generation and left behind in the process of human civilization. The cultural value is the special attribute of the cultural property, which deeply endows the cultural property with part of the emotional symbolic function of a country and a nation. It symbolizes the achievements, values and beliefs of a nation. Therefore, it is very important for a country and a nation to pursue the ownership of cultural property in reality. However, due to the war of aggression, barbaric theft, rampant smuggling and other reasons, China and other major cultural resources in the world cultural property repeatedly suffered disaster. Countless treasures have been lost abroad. It is very urgent to pursue the ownership of cultural property. However, due to the different regions, the legal regulations are different among different legal systems. Coupled with the particularity and complexity of the cross-border recourse of cultural property, it is inevitable to encounter legal conflicts in all aspects in practice. And properly dealing with and resolving these conflicts of laws is a prerequisite for the successful recovery of ownership of illegally transferred cultural property. It is urgent to study how to make the right choice in these conflicts of laws so as to be in the dominant position in the international dispute of cultural property. This paper has carried on the main conflict of laws in the international dispute of cultural property. Analysis. It also analyzes the relevant international legislation and the domestic laws and rules of some countries, and finally puts forward some suggestions on the choice of laws in the light of the current situation of China in the international dispute over cultural property. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper includes the following three parts: The first part analyzes the main manifestations of conflict of laws in the international dispute settlement of cultural property. Firstly, it analyzes the conflict of conflict law in the international dispute of cultural property. The author analyzes and summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the law of location of things, the principle of closest connection, and the law of source country in international disputes over cultural property. Secondly. From the perspective of comparative law, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the different provisions of the protection of ownership in international disputes of cultural property from the two aspects of the civil law system and the common law system. Finally. This paper makes a comparative analysis of the different methods of dealing with the conflict of limitation between the two legal systems in the international dispute over cultural property. The second part of the cultural property international dispute conflict of law settlement mechanism of the analysis and study. First of all. The international legislation, that is, the UNESCO Convention of 1970 and the relevant provisions of the UNIDROIT Convention of 1995, are studied in detail. Secondly. This paper analyzes the domestic legislation of the countries of cultural property market and the countries of origin of cultural property. Among them, the countries of the market of cultural property choose the relevant legislation of the United States as the object of study. The country of origin of cultural property chooses Italy's relevant legislation as the research object. The third part analyzes the realistic choice of China in the international conflict of laws on cultural property. First of all. This paper analyzes the difficulty and complexity of the situation of cultural property loss in China and the great significance of China's recourse to the loss of cultural property. Secondly, the application of the law and the protection of ownership in the international dispute over cultural property in China are discussed. The conflict of laws on statute of limitations is analyzed and some suggestions are put forward.
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