本文关键词: 大陆架划界规则 公平原则 自然延伸 等距离线 出处:《华东政法大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:在当今世界各国以科学和资源为支撑大力发展经济的背景下,能源已经成为重要的影响因素之一。海洋和大陆架有着巨大的可开发空间,随着人类对于大陆架的研究与开发的不断深入,大陆架制度得到逐步完善。大陆架划界规则争议中真正的法律问题是大陆架权利制度。沿海国对于划界的争议并没有因1958年《大陆架公约》和1982年《联合国公约》的生效而停止,相反,随着各国经政治、经济、军事力量竞争日趋激烈,各国对于大陆架所能带来的经济效益更为渴求。在此大背景下,本文拟从法学、社会学的角度,运用比较和分析的方法,通过分析和比较自1958年以来联合国通过的各项公约及国际法院的司法判例,对当今国际法学界的大陆架划界规则进行评析,并提出相关建议。 根据提出问题、分析问题、借鉴经验和提出建议的相关步骤,本论文将分为四部分,主要内容如下: 第一章通过列举大陆架划界规则中的几项具体规则,试图分析这些规则或原则的产生和演变过程,阐述各项规则或原则在解决划界争议中的地位。分析各项规则或原则产生的时代背景和其他一切相关因素,对于如何在今后国际法院的个案审判中既不产生前后矛盾的司法判例又能平衡各国相关利益具有重大借鉴意义。 第二章主要通过分析和比较的方法,以公平原则为中心,阐述自然延伸原则及等距离规则中内在的公平和正义性。公平原则作为指导大陆架划界规则的出发点和归宿点,要求一个“公平的结果”。在通过一系列程序后所得到的这个结果中包含了自然延伸原则和等距离规则的应用。 第三章着重分析在沿海国大陆架划界争议解决过程中必须考虑的一些其他因素。大陆架划界规则适用中的“一切有关情况”贯穿整个划界活动中,它包括了地质、比例、岛屿等一系列相关因素。这些因素的复杂性值得联合国国际法院的司法判例中反复推敲和权衡。正因为如此,个案中具体相关因素的提出和论证对于划界活动的“公平结果”将起到举足轻重的作用。 第四章在结合第二章、第三章中划界规则及相关因素分析的基础上,针对中日长久以来关于东海大陆架争议焦点的一些因素进行分析,试图找到兼顾中日双方主权、经济、历史遗留问题等相关利益的折中方法。中日大陆架争端的解决必定将有利于双方可持续发展,同时给予中国在同其他相邻沿海国可能产生的大陆架争议一些参考和借鉴。
[Abstract]:Under the background of science and resources, energy has become one of the most important factors. The ocean and continental shelf have huge exploitable space. With the development of the continental shelf. The real legal issue in the dispute over the delimitation of the continental shelf is the regime of the right to the continental shelf. The dispute between coastal States on the delimitation of the continental shelf has not resulted from the 1958 Convention on the Continental Shelf and the 1982 Convention on the delineation of the Continental Shelf. The entry into force of the United Nations Convention ceases. On the contrary, with the increasingly fierce competition of political, economic and military forces, countries are more eager for the economic benefits brought by the continental shelf. Under this background, this paper intends to study from the angle of law and sociology. Through the analysis and comparison of the conventions adopted by the United Nations since 1958 and the judicial jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice, the current rules of delimitation of the continental shelf in international legal circles are evaluated by means of comparison and analysis. And put forward relevant suggestions. This paper will be divided into four parts according to the questions raised, the analysis of the problems, the experience and the relevant steps. The main contents are as follows: Chapter I attempts to analyse the process of the emergence and evolution of these rules or principles by enumerating several specific rules in the rules governing the delimitation of the continental shelf. Explain the status of the rules or principles in the settlement of delimitation disputes. Analyze the background of the times and all other relevant factors of the rules or principles. It is of great significance for how to balance the relevant interests of various countries without producing inconsistent judicial precedents in the case trials of the International Court of Justice in the future. The second chapter focuses on the principle of equity by means of analysis and comparison. This paper expounds the inherent fairness and justice in the principle of natural extension and the rule of equal distance, which is the starting point and destination of the rules governing the delimitation of the continental shelf. A "fair result" is required. The result obtained after a series of procedures contains the application of the principle of natural extension and the rule of equidistance. The third chapter focuses on the analysis of some other factors that must be taken into account in the process of the dispute settlement of the delimitation of the continental shelf of the coastal State... the "all relevant circumstances" in the application of the rules governing the delimitation of the continental shelf permeate the entire delimitation activities. It includes a range of related factors, such as geology, proportions, islands and so on. The complexity of these factors deserves repeated scrutiny and balance in the jurisprudence of the United Nations International Court of Justice. The presentation and demonstration of specific relevant factors will play an important role in the "fair result" of demarcation activities. Based on the analysis of delimitation rules and related factors in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, Chapter 4th analyzes some of the factors that have long been the focus of dispute between China and Japan on the continental shelf of the East China Sea. Trying to find a compromise between the interests of China and Japan, such as sovereignty, economy, historical issues, etc. The settlement of the continental shelf dispute between China and Japan will definitely be conducive to the sustainable development of both sides. At the same time, it gives some reference to the possible continental shelf disputes between China and other neighboring coastal states.
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