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发布时间:2018-02-13 10:53

  本文关键词: 海上 平时军事活动 和平目的 适当顾及 争端解决 出处:《大连海事大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Military activity is important for a country, the international community after World War II war on waste that countries will focus on military activities in peacetime military activities; to provide a solid technical support for the development and application of science and technology of the peacetime military activities, developed new forms of activities, expand the breadth and depth of the ocean but the international community. What is the sea peacetime military activities and how to apply is not conclusive, the dispute is not rare. This paper defines the maritime peacetime military activities as the starting point, expounds the legal principles applicable to maritime peacetime military activities, summary and Analysis on the definition of maritime military activities and usually caused by the application of legal principles the main research and solve the dispute, maritime disputes. Peacetime military activities can be divided into four chapters, as follows: the first chapter defines the maritime military activities usually confirm what. The sea is the peacetime military activities, is a prerequisite to study the legal issues in this activity. This chapter from the military activities, usually, the three aspects of the sea sea further defines the peacetime military activities in non combat standards, in order to promote national security, safeguard national interests in political, economic, military, national armed forces at sea on the surface of the ocean, water, seabed, all use of military power over the ocean and subsoil of space activities. This chapter also lists the maritime peacetime military activities, and the comparison of various classification methods, put forward military deterrent force strength is divided the most essential basis. The second chapter studies the legal principle to carry out the sea peacetime military activities for peaceful purposes, main principle, area division principle, proper consideration principle. This chapter analyses the three principles in the application of the dispute, and normalized. The specific content of the three principles for the application of the proposed three principles are different, but the application should complement each other, as the overall norms to restrain the sea peacetime military activities. The third chapter mainly analyzes the disputes enumerated and conduct maritime peacetime military activities caused. Mainly divided into two categories, one is caused by definition the sea peacetime military activities and other maritime activities have caused the Sea dispute, distinguish between peacetime military activities and activities of law enforcement disputes and distinguish between marine military detection and detection of the dispute caused by marine scientific research; the other is the standard related law principle in different waters of the concrete application is not clear due to the dispute with his country's territorial waters, warships whether the free passage of the dispute and the exclusive economic zone can military survey and reconnaissance dispute. The fourth chapter studies the sea peacetime military activities firstly abide by the dispute settlement mechanism. Following the obligation of peace settlement of international disputes, and respecting the agreement reached between countries when settling disputes. Secondly, we apply the resolution mechanism of "optional exclusion and application of compulsory procedures" to the dispute of military activities in the Convention on the law of the sea.



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