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  本文关键词: 公民住房权 国家义务 义务标准 落实途径 出处:《吉林大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:住房权是一项正在受到重视的人权。它存在于《世界人权宣言》、《经济、社会和文化权利国际公约》、《第四号一般性意见:适足住房权》、《住房权国际公约》等一系列国际性法律文件中。同样也存在于很多国家的宪法性文件当中。它是生存权、经济社会和文化权利、适足生活水准权的具体表达形式。同其他的人权研究相比,国内对住房权的研究才刚刚起步。住房保障的问题在中国古代就有,就被看做是政府“民本”思想的体现。但是在现代社会中,如果住房保障问题还是仅仅停留在政府的政策性文件层面上,显然已经没法满足权利自足发展的要求了。人权的勃兴与普及,总是在与时代同步中推动着一些新的要求进入到人权体系中来。公民住房的权利要求显然符合这种时代潮流。所以对住房权的重视,推动相关立法、司法、行政措施的有效操作,来保障公民的住房权,已经成为国家必须面对的问题。 国家在保障公民住房权实现问题上,已经被证明必须要肩负起与它自身能力相匹配的义务。这个义务是有理论和法律依据的。但是如同权利的实现应该有必须的保障一样,义务的落实也需要有相关的标准。公民住房权的国家义务标准的探讨由公民住房水平的标准“适足”而定,即这个标准必须是适应公民的生存和发展需要的,是能够确保公民的生存尊严的,并且是可持续的。国家在住房权义务的承担上,应当参考各个国家的实际情况,没有绝对准确的指标,所需考虑的即是必须尽最大努力,采取必要步骤,而不应该以资源缺乏为由不履行国家义务。可以参考一国的适当生活水准对适足住房权的实际可能实现、可以操作的标准及相应的国家义务进行定位,所设计出的住房实现计划应该是开放动态的,超越了国家现实负担能力的标准是没有意义的。 住房权的国家义务标准确立之后,我们要进一步追问的就是国家如何来落实这种义务,公民的住房权利如何才能在最大的可能上得到救济。我们已经得出这样的结论,国家的住房权义务是通过法律手段和经济政策手段来实现的,完整的住房权实现的保障机制应该包括立法、司法和行政层面的综合作用。这样国家在住房权义务上的尊重、保护、实施和促进的不同层面才有实现的可靠性和可能性。这是一项配套的综合机制,缺一不可。对住房权的国家义务的研究从主观上来讲,就是希望引起国家重视。把这项本来不新但是却非常重要的权利纳入到人权的高度上看待。从人权的层面对住房权进行论证,进行细化,国家的义务重点落在保障这项权利的实现和救济途径上面。无保障则无人权。具体的途径应该从立法的高度开始,贯穿立法、司法、行政等等层面,互相配合,体现出国家不同权力机关的责任。这就是这篇文章的目的和基本思路。
[Abstract]:The right to housing is an ongoing attention to human rights. It exists in the "Universal Declaration of human rights", "International Convention on economic, social and cultural rights >, < fourth general comment: the right to adequate housing >, < > the right to housing International Convention and a series of international legal documents. The documents also in many countries. It is the right of survival, economic social and cultural rights, specific forms of expression of an adequate standard of living right. Compared with other domestic research on human rights, the right of housing has just started. The housing security problems in China ancient, has been regarded as" the embodiment of people government "thought. But in modern society, if the housing security problem or just stay in the government policy document level, apparently has been unable to meet the requirements of the development of self rights. Human rights development and popularization, always in step with the times to push With some new requirements into the human rights system. Citizens housing rights requirements is clearly in line with the trend of the times. So the importance of housing rights, promote the effective operation of relevant legislation, judicial, administrative measures, to protect the housing rights of citizens, has become the country must face the problem.
Countries in the protection of citizens the right to housing problem, has been shown to have to shoulder the ability to match with its own obligations. This obligation is a theoretical and legal basis. But as the realization of the right to be protected should be the same obligation also requires the implementation of the relevant standards of the national standard duty of citizens housing. The right of the level of housing by the citizens of the standard "adequate" and determined that this standard must adapt to the needs of citizens of survival and development, is to ensure that citizens of the dignity of life, and is sustainable. The national commitment to housing rights obligations, shall refer to the actual situation of each country, there is no absolute accuracy the index, which need to be considered is to try our best to take the necessary steps, and should not excuse not to perform their obligation of the state to the lack of resources. A country can refer to an adequate standard of living for The real realization of the right to housing, the standard of operation and the corresponding national obligations should be positioned. The housing implementation plan designed should be open and dynamic, and beyond the standard of national reality affordability, it is meaningless.
After the establishment of the national standard of housing rights obligations, we should ask is how the state to implement this obligation, housing rights of citizens how to get the greatest possible relief. We have come to the conclusion that the national housing rights obligations is realized through legal means and means of economic policy, security mechanism the realization of the right to housing should include legislative, judicial and administrative aspects of the comprehensive role. Such countries respect, in the protection of housing rights obligations, different levels of implementation and promotion to the reliability and the possibility of implementation. This is a comprehensive mechanism, supporting indispensable. Of housing rights obligations of states from the subjective speaking, is to arouse the national attention. It was not new but it is very important to treat human rights into the height from the human rights in housing. The right to demonstrate, refinement, the obligation of the state to focus on ensuring that the realization of the rights and remedies of the above. No guarantee of human rights. The specific way should start from the height of the legislative, judicial, administrative through legislation, and so on, with each other, showing different organs of state power which is the responsibility. The purpose of this article and the basic ideas.



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