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发布时间:2018-03-03 00:28

  本文选题:跨国界破产 切入点:合作 出处:《哈尔滨工业大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:当前一体化的国际形势促进了跨国界经济、文化的发展。然而,人员、资金的流动也给国际社会带来了新的冲突和矛盾。跨国界破产问题则可谓各种制度冲突的集中体现,同时也是当前国际领域比较敏感的话题之一。本文则在前人研究的基础上,结合当前国际社会发展需要,以跨国界破产的法律合作问题为对象进行研究。跨国界破产的国际性以及本土性等特性决定了该类案件的解决需要借助不同国家和地区的破产法律制度,在该问题上历来就有两种不同的观点即地域主义和普遍主义。但是,这两种理论都过于激进不利于案件的解决。一种新的修正的现实主义理论弥补了二者的不足,奠定了跨国界破产合作的基础。 区域模式和全球模式是当前进行跨国界破产合作的两种主要模式。两种模式区别明显,不仅有着不同的适用范围和优势,而且还有不同的适用条件。但是两种模式也相互联系。长远来看,全球性的合作模式是跨国界破产合作的理想模式。区域合作为全球合作奠定了基础,二者相互促进。实践中需要灵活运用。为这些不同模式选择合适的法律途径,也是跨国界破产合作中的另一个重要问题。条约和示范法是国际法中惯用的两种,但究竟哪一种更适合跨国界破产的法律合作,还需要理论和实践的进一步研究。同时也是本文论述的一个重点。 良好的法律合作模式和途径有利于跨国界破产合作的实现,但它的良好运行还需要一个比较系统完善的机制,以及配套的制度设施和各国间的积极参与和合作。相对于欧美等国家,中国的破产法以及在跨国界破产合作方面的参与度与我国的世界大国地位不太相符。为此,本文在前文分析的基础上对于中国在跨国界破产合作领域的工作提供了一些建议,希望中国能够以联合国贸易法委员会的相关法律文本为蓝本完善相关的立法工作,并积极参与到跨国界破产合作中。
[Abstract]:The current international situation of integration has promoted the development of cross-border economy and culture. However, the flow of personnel and capital has also brought new conflicts and contradictions to the international community. The issue of cross-border bankruptcy can be described as a concentrated manifestation of various institutional conflicts. At the same time, it is also one of the more sensitive topics in the current international field. This paper, on the basis of previous studies, combines the current needs of international social development. Take the legal cooperation in cross-border insolvency as the object of study. The international and local characteristics of cross-border insolvency determine that the resolution of such cases requires the help of insolvency legal systems of different countries and regions. There have always been two different views on this issue, regionalism and universalism. However, both theories are too radical against the settlement of cases. Laid the foundation for cross-border bankruptcy cooperation. The regional model and the global model are the two main modes of cross-border insolvency cooperation. The differences between the two models are obvious and not only have different scope of application and advantages, But the two models are also interlinked. In the long run, the global cooperation model is the ideal model for cross-border bankruptcy cooperation. Regional cooperation lays the foundation for global cooperation. The need for flexible application in practice... the choice of appropriate legal avenues for these different models is another important issue in cross-border insolvency cooperation. Treaties and model laws are the two customary types of international law, However, which kind of legal cooperation is more suitable for cross-border bankruptcy still needs further research in theory and practice, and it is also an important point in this paper. A good mode and approach of legal cooperation is conducive to the realization of cross-border bankruptcy cooperation, but its good operation still needs a relatively systematic and perfect mechanism. As well as supporting institutional facilities and active participation and cooperation among countries. Compared with Europe and the United States and other countries, China's bankruptcy law and participation in cross-border bankruptcy cooperation are not very consistent with our country's status as a world power. On the basis of the above analysis, this paper provides some suggestions for China's work in the field of cross-border bankruptcy cooperation, hoping that China can perfect the relevant legislative work based on the relevant legal texts of the United Nations Commission on Trade Law. And actively participate in cross-border bankruptcy cooperation.


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