发布时间:2018-03-13 20:31
本文选题:南海地图 切入点:U形线 出处:《上海交通大学》2013年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:海洋秩序建构过程中就一直存在“自由”与“控制”、“开放”与“封闭”、“分享”与“独占”之争,并且此消彼长、此起彼伏,至今都未平息,并且形成了“公海自由”以及沿海国得对其沿岸特定海域行使排他性管辖权的二元结构。强调海洋自由以供包容性使用与锁闭海洋以供排他性使用之间的紧张关系,反应了国际海洋秩序一直处于不停的互动、不断出现需求与回应需求的过程。在这个动态的建构过程不同的国家根据其自身的政治理念、自然地理环境以及经济、技术发展水平等因素,对海洋利用提出不同的主张与制度构想。中国虽然是一个海陆兼备的国家,但也是一个海洋地理相对不利的国家和新兴的海洋利用大国。中国对于南海地图的解读与定位需要平衡包容性利益与排他性利益的制度安排,以便使得相关主张既具有道义与规范基础,能凝聚国际社会的共识,又能充分反映中国崛起的利益诉求。 南海U形线地图对于维护中国在南海历史性权益具有重要的意义,但同时也面临巨大的挑战。本文首先围绕着南海U形线地图证据价值的有关争论,从地图能否清楚地反映国家意图;是否精确;是否中立性;是否前后一致;是否得到国际社会特别是有利害关系国家的承认或默认等地图证据价值的视角,透视了南海地图的国际法意义。进而又从南海U形线地图与历史性权利的视角,研究了南海地图的演进历史,考察了中国对海洋的历史性权利主张、以及有关南海U形线的国家实践,并试图分析南海地图U形线定性模糊所带来的问题及利弊。最后指出,,围绕地图的各种国家实践以及各方的反应与争论,实际上最终体现的是民族主权国家对于海洋秩序的关切。 本文通过对于南海地图特别是其中的U形线的重新解读,分析地图证据在南海海洋划界中的可能意义,U形线与历史性权利、海洋资源开发以及航行自由的关系,进而反思不同“U形线学说”背后的民族国家意识与海洋秩序观念。百余年来中国所受的挑战与屈辱主要来自海上,三十余年来中国的发展与复兴很大程度上也得益于面向海外的开放策略。在当今世界正加速步入海洋世纪,维护海洋权益、开发海洋资源、保护海洋环境、探索海洋奥秘、谋求新的发展空间正日益成为国际社会共同关注焦点的背景下,妥当地解读U形线,合理地处理海洋的包容性与排他性制度安排,进而思考中国作为一个正在崛起的世界性大国需要何种之海洋秩序,以及在今后国际海洋秩序的建构与调整过程中应当采取何种立场,是摆在国人面前的一项急迫的任务。
[Abstract]:In the process of building marine order, there has always been a struggle between "freedom" and "control", "openness" and "closure", "sharing" and "monopoly". And forming a dualistic structure of "freedom of the high seas" and exclusive jurisdiction of coastal States over specific maritime areas along their coasts... emphasizing the tension between freedom of the sea for inclusive use and locking it up for exclusive use, Reflecting the constant interaction of the international marine order, the constant emergence of needs and the process of responding to them. In this dynamic process of construction, different countries are based on their own political ideas, physical geography and economy, Factors such as the level of technological development have put forward different ideas and institutional ideas for the utilization of the ocean. Although China is a country with both land and sea, However, it is also a country with a relatively unfavorable marine geography and a new marine utilization power. China's interpretation and positioning of the South China Sea map requires institutional arrangements to balance inclusive and exclusive interests. In order to make the relevant claims not only moral and normative basis, can gather the consensus of the international community, but also fully reflect the interests of China's rise. The U-line map of the South China Sea is of great significance for safeguarding China's historical rights and interests in the South China Sea, but at the same time it faces a great challenge. This paper first focuses on the argument about the evidential value of the U-line map of the South China Sea. From the perspective of whether the map clearly reflects the intentions of the State; whether it is accurate; whether it is neutral; whether it is consistent; whether it is recognized or acquiesced in by the international community, in particular by interested States; From the perspective of the U-line map and historical rights of the South China Sea, this paper studies the evolution of the map of the South China Sea, and examines China's historical claim to the sea. The paper also tries to analyze the problems and advantages and disadvantages caused by the fuzzy nature of U-shaped lines in the South China Sea map. Finally, it points out the various national practices around the map and the reactions and controversies of the parties concerned. In fact, the ultimate embodiment is the national sovereign state's concern for the order of the sea. Based on the reinterpretation of the map of the South China Sea, especially the U-shaped line, this paper analyzes the possible significance of the map evidence in the delimitation of the South China Sea and the relationship between the U-shaped line and the historical rights, the exploitation of marine resources and the freedom of navigation. And then reflect on the national consciousness and the concept of marine order behind different "U-shaped line theories." the challenges and humiliations that China has been subjected to for more than a hundred years come mainly from the sea. The development and rejuvenation of China in the past 30 years has also greatly benefited from the strategy of opening up to overseas countries. In today's world, China is accelerating into the ocean century, safeguarding the rights and interests of the sea, developing marine resources, protecting the marine environment, and exploring the mysteries of the ocean. Under the background that seeking new space for development is increasingly becoming the common focus of the international community, we should properly interpret the U-shaped line and rationally deal with the inclusive and exclusive institutional arrangements of the oceans, It is an urgent task for Chinese people to consider what kind of marine order is needed by China as a rising world power and what position should be taken in the process of constructing and adjusting the international marine order in the future.
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