本文选题:放射性污水 切入点:海洋环境污染 出处:《探索与争鸣》2011年10期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Since the great discovery of geography, with the progress of science and technology, mankind's ability to understand and control the ocean has been increasing. At the same time, the rise of modern western powers and the decline of China show that, Oceans play an important role in the rise and fall of nation-states, especially with the deepening of globalization and the depletion of land resources. The ocean is increasingly becoming the lifeline of human survival and sustainable development. One of the important reasons for China's tremendous achievements in the past 30 years and more is that it is open to the world and integrated into the international market through the sea. At the same time, This process has led to the integration of the once entrenched, closed yellow civilization into the pluralistic, open blue civilization. However, at present, China faces many challenges and thorny issues in the area of the sea, including the island dispute with its neighbours and the delimitation of maritime areas. Development of marine resources, marine security, and conflicts of cultural concepts. It can be said that the prospects for China's peaceful development depend to a large extent on the success or failure of the marine competition. Recently, The editorial department of our journal and the Law of the Sea Research Center of the Institute of Law of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences jointly held a seminar to discuss many ocean issues facing China in the process of peaceful development. In order to arouse further discussion.
【作者单位】: 国家海洋局东海分局;
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