本文选题:国际人权法 切入点:少数群体 出处:《中国社会科学院研究生院》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文从国际人权法的角度对少数群体成员的公共事务参与权进行了研究,全文一共分为四章。 第一章论述了国际人权法语境下少数群体的概念。主要介绍了少数群体的内涵、少数群体权利保护的对象等基本问题。 第二章论述了国际人权法中的少数群体成员公共事务参与权。本章第一节首先简要论述了少数群体权利保护的内容包括少数群体成员享有自己文化的权利、使用自己语言的权利、受教育的权利、宗教信仰自由、公共事务参与的权利等。接着笔者论述公共事务参与权的概念、少数群体成员公共事务参与权的意义,并根据《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》的相关条文定义少数群体成员公共事务参与权的概念。本章第二节主要论述少数群体成员公共事务参与权的内容和具体行使方式。享有少数群体公共事务参与权的主体首先应该是少数群体中的个人成员,其次这些少数群体成员须是该国的公民。根据相关的国际人权文件,少数群体成员行使公共事务参与权的主要方式有参与政治决策、成立社团、通过选举程序参与以及权力下放和自我管理等。 第三章分别从国际性人权文件和区域性人权文件的角度研究了少数群体成员公共事务参与权的保护现状。保护少数群体成员公共事务参与权的国际性人权文件主要有《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》、《在民族或族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人的权利宣言》和《土著和部落民族公约》,区域性人权文件主要有《欧洲保护少数民族框架公约》。 第四章是我国少数群体成员公共事务参与权的法律保护现状、问题,,并针对这些问题提出了改善的建议。我国对少数群体成员公共事务参与权进行保护的法律依据是《宪法》和《民族区域自治法》,但由于这两部法规定的少数群体范围并没有涵盖所有的少数群体成员,缺乏对少数群体个人成员公共事务参与权的保护以及《民族区域自治法》的规定缺乏具体有效的可操作性机制,笔者借鉴国际人权法中的相关规定和各国实践对此提出了改善的建议。
[Abstract]:From the perspective of international human rights law, this paper studies the right of minority members to participate in public affairs, which is divided into four chapters.The first chapter discusses the concept of minorities in the context of international human rights law.This paper mainly introduces the connotation of minority and the object of minority rights protection.The second chapter discusses the right to participate in public affairs of minority members in international human rights law.The first section of this chapter briefly discusses the protection of minority rights, including minority members' right to enjoy their own culture, the right to use their own language, the right to education, the freedom of religious belief, the right to participate in public affairs, and so on.Then the author discusses the concept of the right to participate in public affairs and the significance of the right to participate in public affairs of minority members, and defines the concept of the right to participate in public affairs of minority members according to the relevant articles of the International Covenant on Civil and political Rights.The second section of this chapter mainly discusses the content and specific exercise of minority members' right to participate in public affairs.The subject of the right to participate in the public affairs of minorities should be, first, individual members of minorities and, secondly, members of such minorities must be citizens of the State.According to relevant international human rights instruments, members of minorities exercise their right to participate in public affairs mainly through participation in political decision-making, the formation of associations, participation through electoral procedures, decentralization and self-administration.The third chapter studies the protection of minority members' right to participate in public affairs from the angle of international human rights documents and regional human rights documents.International human rights instruments that protect the right of members of minorities to participate in public affairs are, inter alia, the International Covenant on Civil and political Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and political Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and political Rights,The Declaration on the Rights of Persons belonging to religious and linguistic minorities and the Convention on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples, the main regional human rights instruments are the European Framework Convention for the Protection of National minorities.The fourth chapter is about the present situation of the legal protection of minority members' right to participate in public affairs, and puts forward some suggestions to improve these problems.The legal basis for the protection of the right of members of minorities to participate in public affairs is the Constitution and the Law on Regional National Autonomy, but since the scope of minorities under these two laws does not cover all members of minorities,The lack of protection of the right to participate in public affairs of individual members of minorities and the lack of specific and effective operational mechanisms under the provisions of the Regional National Autonomy Act,The author draws lessons from the relevant provisions of international human rights law and puts forward some suggestions for improvement.
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