发布时间:2018-04-21 11:09
本文选题:酷刑 + 禁止酷刑 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2011年博士论文
【摘要】:自人类社会出现司法开始,酷刑就成为一直困扰世界司法实践的顽疾,成为与文明与法治背道而驰的罪恶。随着历史的演进、社会的发展,酷刑越来越为全人类所诟病和抨击。反酷刑、禁止酷刑已成为全世界发出的发聩振聋的呼声。1984年,联合国通过了《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》(Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment)。这是一个对酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的预防和惩治作出了明确具体规定的专门性的国际公约,这是世界禁止酷刑史上的一个里程碑式的文件,标志着世界反酷刑运动进入了一个新的时期。 对《禁止酷刑公约》进行深入研究是我国国内法学理论和司法实践形势发展的需要。2004年,我国首次将“人权”概念写入宪法,明确规定国家“尊重和保障人权”,而近年来我国党和政府所提出的“以人为本”、“构建和谐社会”等治国理念更是体现出了我国在人权和法治理念上的进步。但是,由于受历史文化传统、思想观念、法律制度等方面因素的影响,酷刑问题在我国可谓是根深蒂固,已成为我国现代文明与法治发展的绊脚石。如何有效禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚就成为我国理论界和实务界一个重要的问题。 我国政府已参加了《禁止酷刑公约》,根据“条约必须遵守”这一国际法的基本原则,我国必须严格履行《禁止酷刑公约》规定的义务,真正将对该公约条文的恪守与我国刑事司法改革特别是与我国刑事诉讼法的修改结合起来。这首先要依赖于对该公约精神、内容、实质的深刻理解,而我国目前理论界和实务界对该公约的研究还相对较少且并不深入,急待加强。因此,在这种国内形势下研究《禁止酷刑公约》的制定、内容等问题同样具有重要的理论和实践意义,也是法律人不容推卸的责任与使命。 本文运用历史分析、价值分析、实证分析、社会分析、比较分析等方法,系统阐述了酷刑的概念、酷刑的历史沿革、禁止酷刑理念的发展、《禁止酷刑公约》的制定和内容,并结合《禁止酷刑公约》对我国酷刑问题进行了深入研究,指出了我国在执行《禁止酷刑公约》时存在的问题,以及如何通过对我国刑事诉讼制度的改革来应对在执行《禁止酷刑公约》时存在的问题,以达到修改我国现行刑事诉讼法与履行《禁止酷刑公约》完美契合的目的。 “引言”部分说明了本文的研究背景、研究现状、研究内容与预期贡献,并对本文的研究创新与欲突破的研究难题进行了概括。正文部分共分六章,主要内容包括: 第一章“禁止酷刑理念的发展与《禁止酷刑公约》的制定”。本章从酷刑在中西方的历史沿革入手,对禁止酷刑理念的发展,《禁止酷刑公约》产生的背景以及《禁止酷刑公约》的通过进行了论述,并指出当禁止酷刑理念发展到一定阶段的时候,同时由于在世界范围内还存在着酷刑行为和现象,《禁止酷刑公约》就应运而生了。 第二章“《禁止酷刑公约》概述”。本章首先对《禁止酷刑公约》的宗旨进行了阐释。然后从酷刑(torture)的文义上开始分析,再引入《禁止酷刑公约》中对酷刑概念的界定,指出为什么要按照《禁止酷刑公约》的规定对酷刑进行理解,同时对《禁止酷刑公约》界定的酷刑的特点、构成要件等问题进行了阐述。接下来对残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的概念进行了分析。最后对酷刑的分类以及在中国的存在形式进行了论述,指出酷刑主要分为刑罚执行阶段的酷刑、侦查阶段的酷刑和监管阶段的酷刑,而我国目前的酷刑主要集中在侦查阶段,这也是《禁止酷刑公约》所界定的酷刑。 第三章“《禁止酷刑公约》规定的缔约国义务”。本章主要是对《禁止酷刑公约》第2条—第16条规定的缔约国义务进行了分析。主要包括:预防酷刑的义务,任何时候、任何情况下都禁止实施酷刑的义务,不遣返的义务,酷刑是犯罪行为,对酷刑的普遍管辖权,酷刑的调查义务,排除以酷刑取得的口供,赔偿的义务。只有积极有效地履行这些义务,才是对《禁止酷刑公约》的遵守。 第四章“《禁止酷刑公约》的实施机制”。本章主要是对《禁止酷刑公约》的相关实施机制进行了论述。监督《禁止酷刑公约》实施的机构是禁止酷刑委员会,《禁止酷刑公约》第17条—第24条对禁止酷刑委员会相关问题进行了规定。此外,酷刑问题特别报告员、根据《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约〉任择议定书》设立的禁止酷刑委员会防范酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇或处罚小组委员会也都是《禁止酷刑公约》的实施机制,因此,本章对这两个实施机制也进行了分析。最后提出了完善《禁止酷刑公约》实施机制的建议。 第五章“中国执行《禁止酷刑公约》:总体状况与完善建议”。本章总结分析了中国在执行《禁止酷刑公约》方面、禁止酷刑方面的有效措施,也指出了中国在执行《禁止酷刑公约》方面存在的问题,并且提出了相关的完善建议。同时指出积极、正确履行《禁止酷刑公约》的义务是一个综合性工程,不仅需要相关国内法律制度的完善,司法人员素质的提高,相关政府部门的充分重视与协作,还需要国内公民整体人权素养的提高,整个社会的共同参与。 第六章“中国执行《禁止酷刑公约》:对中国刑事诉讼改革的重点分析”。《禁止酷刑公约》可以说是与刑事诉讼关系非常密切的国际人权公约之一,履行《禁止酷刑公约》的义务肯定会给中国刑事诉讼改革带来深远的影响,因此,本章特别将中国刑事诉讼的改革问题单独拿出来,在执行《禁止酷刑公约》的大背景下,分析中国的刑事诉讼改革。本章首先通过分析发生在中国的涉及酷刑问题的几个典型个案,试图寻找到中国在刑事诉讼的什么阶段容易发生酷刑,这些阶段为什么会发生酷刑,然后以预防酷刑的发生为视角,在宏观上指出中国若想积极履行《禁止酷刑公约》规定的缔约国义务,真正有效地遏制酷刑的发生,在刑事诉讼改革中必须确立一些基本原则,只有确立了这些原则,才能从根本上改变我国刑事司法的现状,从而防范酷刑的发生,保障人权,彰显公平与正义。最后以《伊斯坦布尔议定书》为基础,对酷刑的认定问题进行了阐述。 “结论”部分对本文的内容作出了总结,指出《禁止酷刑公约》的产生是文明理念、法治精神、人文情怀不断发展的必然产物。《禁止酷刑公约》生效后,接下来的关键问题就是该公约的有效执行,即要让更多的国家签署、批准该公约,严格履行该公约的义务,真正实现该公约的宗旨和精神。因此,首先要将《禁止酷刑公约》宣传介绍出去,要让每个国家、每个人都能了解、理解公约的内容和精神。同时要找到本国国内法与公约规定的差距,从而适时修改国内法,以达到禁止酷刑的最终目标。
[Abstract]:Since the emergence of justice in human society, torture has become a stubborn disease that has plagued the world's judicial practice. It has become a crime that runs counter to civilization and the rule of law. With the evolution of history, the development of society, torture has been criticized and criticized by all human beings. Anti torture and the prohibition of torture have become the.1984 years of deafness all over the world, The United Nations has adopted the Convention on the prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment). This is a clear prevention and punishment of torture and other cruel, inhuman or humiliating treatment or punishment. The specific international conventions of specific specialties are a landmark document in the history of the world's prohibition of torture, marking the entry of the world anti torture movement into a new period.
The in-depth study of the "Convention on the prohibition of torture" is the need for China's domestic legal theory and the development of judicial practice in.2004 years. In China, the concept of "human rights" is written in the Constitution for the first time, and the state "respect for and safeguard human rights" is clearly defined. In recent years, China's party and government put forward the "people-oriented", "building a harmonious society" and other countries. The idea embodies the progress of our country in the concept of human rights and the rule of law. However, because of the influence of historical and cultural traditions, ideas and legal systems, the question of torture is deeply rooted in our country and has become a stumbling block to the development of modern civilization and the rule of law in our country. How to effectively prohibit torture and other cruel and inhumane Or degrading treatment or punishment has become an important issue in the theoretical and practical circles of our country.
Our government has participated in the Convention on the prohibition of torture. According to the basic principles of the international law "the treaty must be observed", our country must strictly fulfil its obligations under the Convention on the prohibition of torture and truly integrate the provisions of the convention with our criminal judicial reform, especially the amendment of the criminal procedure law of our country. It depends on the profound understanding of the spirit, content and essence of the Convention, and the research of the Convention is relatively small and not thorough in our current theoretical and practical circles and is urgent to be strengthened. Therefore, it is also of great theoretical and practical significance to study the formulation of the Convention on the prohibition of torture and the content of the Convention in this domestic situation. The responsibility and mission of shirking.
By means of historical analysis, value analysis, empirical analysis, social analysis and comparative analysis, this paper systematically expounds the concept of torture, the historical evolution of torture, the development of the concept of prohibiting torture, the formulation and content of the Convention on the prohibition of torture, and in the light of the Convention on the prohibition of torture in our country, and points out that our country is holding the issue of torture. The problems existing in the Convention on the prohibition of torture and how to deal with the problems existing in the implementation of the Convention on the prohibition of torture by the reform of the criminal procedure system in our country are made in order to achieve the purpose of amending the current criminal procedure law of our country and performing the perfect agreement with the Convention on the prohibition of torture.
The introduction explains the background of the research, the research status, the research content and the expected contribution, and summarizes the research problems of the research innovation and the breakthroughs in this paper. The main body of the text is divided into six chapters, the main contents include:
The first chapter, "the development of the concept of prohibition of torture and the formulation of the Convention on the prohibition of torture". This chapter begins with the historical evolution of torture in China and the west, and discusses the development of the concept of prohibition of torture, the background of the Convention on the prohibition of torture and the adoption of the Convention on the prohibition of torture, and points out that when the concept of torture is developed to a certain stage Meanwhile, because of the existence of torture and phenomena worldwide, the Convention against torture came into being.
The second chapter, "the summary of the Convention on the prohibition of torture". This chapter first explains the purpose of the Convention on the prohibition of torture. Then it begins with the analysis of the meaning of torture (torture), and then introduces the definition of the concept of torture in the Convention on the prohibition of torture, and points out why the torture is understood in accordance with the provisions of the Convention against torture and the prohibition of the "Prohibition of torture". The characteristics and elements of torture defined by the Convention on torture are expounded. Then the concept of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment is analyzed. At last, the classification of torture and the form of existence in China are discussed. It is pointed out that torture is mainly divided into torture in the stage of execution of penalty, and the stage of investigation. Torture in the stage of torture and supervision, and the current torture in China is mainly concentrated in the investigation stage, which is also defined as torture in the Convention against torture.
The third chapter "the obligations of States parties stipulated in the Convention on the prohibition of torture". This chapter mainly analyzes the obligations of States parties stipulated in the second to sixteenth articles of the Convention on the prohibition of torture. It mainly includes the obligation to prevent torture, at any time, in any case, the obligation to prohibit the execution of torture, the obligation of non repatriation, the torture is a criminal act, and the cruel punishment is a criminal act. The universal jurisdiction of punishment, the obligation to investigate torture, to exclude the confession obtained by torture and the obligation of compensation, is to comply with the Convention on the prohibition of torture only by the active and effective performance of these obligations.
The fourth chapter "the implementation mechanism of the Convention on the prohibition of torture". This chapter mainly deals with the related implementation mechanism of the Convention on the prohibition of torture. The agency to supervise the implementation of the Convention against torture is the Committee for the prohibition of torture, and the seventeenth to twenty-fourth articles of the Convention against torture have been stipulated in the related issues of the Committee on the prohibition of torture. The Special Rapporteur, established under the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, is a mechanism for the implementation of the Convention against torture by the Subcommittee on the prevention of torture and other cruelty, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment by the Committee on the prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. The two implementation mechanism is also analyzed. Finally, suggestions for improving the implementation mechanism of the Convention against torture are put forward.
The fifth chapter, "the implementation of the Convention on the prohibition of torture in China: the overall situation and recommendations." this chapter summarizes and analyzes the effective measures for the prohibition of torture in the implementation of the Convention on the prohibition of torture and points out the existing problems in the implementation of the Convention on the prohibition of torture, and puts forward relevant suggestions for improvement. The correct implementation of the obligation of the Convention on the prohibition of torture is a comprehensive project, which requires not only the improvement of the relevant domestic legal systems, the improvement of the quality of the judicial personnel, the full attention and cooperation of the relevant government departments, but also the improvement of the overall human rights quality of the domestic citizens and the joint participation of the whole society.
The sixth chapter, "the implementation of the Convention on the prohibition of torture in China: the key analysis of the reform of China's criminal procedure." < Convention against torture > is one of the international human rights conventions which are closely related to criminal proceedings. The implementation of the obligations of the Convention on the prohibition of torture will surely have a far-reaching impact on the reform of China's criminal procedure. In the context of the implementation of the Convention on the prohibition of torture, the reform of China's criminal procedure is analyzed in the context of the implementation of the Convention on the prohibition of torture. This chapter first analyzes several typical cases involving torture in China, trying to find the stage of torture in China in the stage of criminal proceedings. In the view of the occurrence of torture, and in the perspective of the occurrence of torture prevention, it is pointed out that if China wants to actively carry out the State Party's obligations under the Convention on the prohibition of torture and to effectively contain the occurrence of torture, some basic principles must be established in the reform of criminal procedure. Only by establishing these principles can the Chinese punishment be fundamentally changed. In order to prevent the occurrence of torture, protect human rights and highlight the fairness and justice, the issue of the identification of torture is expounded on the basis of the Istanbul protocol.
The conclusion of the "conclusion" concludes the content of this article and points out that the emergence of the Convention on the prohibition of torture is an inevitable product of the concept of civilization, the spirit of the rule of law and the continuous development of human feelings. After the entry into force of the Convention against torture, the following key issue is the effective implementation of the Convention, which is to allow more countries to sign, ratify the Convention and strictly follow the Convention. The obligation of the Convention is to truly realize the purpose and spirit of the Convention. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to introduce the Convention on the prohibition of torture and to let every country understand the content and spirit of the Convention. At the same time, we should find the difference between the domestic law and the Convention, so as to amend the domestic law in a timely manner so as to achieve the prohibition of torture. The ultimate goal.
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