发布时间:2018-04-25 10:03
本文选题:信用证纠纷 + 法律适用 ; 参考:《外交学院》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:信用证是国际贸易中的重要支付工具,在使用过程中经常会发生纠纷,同时由于信用证的国际性,解决纠纷时往往会产生冲突法问题。纵观国际实践,有信用证专章立法的国家极少,对信用证纠纷法律适用规则做出规定的更是鲜见,本文主要探讨信用证纠纷的法律适用问题,以期厘清信用证纠纷法律适用规则的脉络。 本文在讨论信用证法律性质的基础上,对信用证纠纷中不同法律关系进行识别,信用证当事人之间的法律关系应定性为合同关系,信用证欺诈纠纷应定性为侵权行为。对于当事人之间法律关系的法律适用应遵循“意思自治——最密切联系”的原则,各国实践都尊重当事人的意思自治,但对最密切联系地的判断各有不同。信用证欺诈纠纷的法律适用应依侵权行为地法律。 《最高人民法院关于审理信用证纠纷案件若干问题的规定》是我国关于信用证相关问题的司法解释,其中对信用证纠纷的法律适用做出了规定,即尊重当事人选择国际惯例的意思自治,并在当事人未做选择时,,适用跟单信用证统一惯例或者其他相关国际惯例。《规定》有其特色,但也存在与法律规定有出入、与国际实践不接轨等问题,因此,我国关于信用证纠纷法律适用的规定仍需在实践和理论中不断检验,借鉴国际实践不断完善。
[Abstract]:Letter of credit is an important payment tool in international trade. Disputes often occur in the process of use. At the same time, conflicts of laws often arise when resolving disputes because of the international nature of letters of credit. Throughout the international practice, there are very few countries that have the legislation of the special chapter of the letter of credit, and there are few provisions on the applicable rules of the law applicable to the dispute of the letter of credit. This paper mainly discusses the legal application of the dispute of the letter of credit. In order to clarify the law applicable to the letter of credit dispute context. On the basis of discussing the legal nature of the letter of credit, this paper identifies the different legal relations in the dispute of the letter of credit. The legal relationship between the parties to the letter of credit should be characterized as a contractual relationship, and the dispute of fraud of the letter of credit should be characterized as an act of infringement. The legal application of the legal relationship between the parties should follow the principle of "autonomy of will-the closest connection". The practice of each country respects the autonomy of the party's will, but the judgment of the most closely connected place is different. The legal application of fraud dispute of letter of credit shall be in accordance with the law of the place of infringement. The provisions of the Supreme people's Court on several issues concerning the handling of disputes concerning Letters of Credit are judicial interpretations of issues related to letters of credit in China, which provide for the legal application of disputes over letters of credit. That is, to respect the autonomy of the parties in choosing international practices, and when the parties have not made the choice, to apply the uniform practice of documentary credits or other relevant international practices. [regulations] have their own characteristics, but there are also differences with the provisions of the law, Therefore, the provisions on the legal application of letter of credit disputes in our country still need to be constantly tested in practice and theory, and the international practice should be used for reference.
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