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发布时间:2018-04-26 00:33

  本文选题:安理会决议 + 合法性 ; 参考:《武汉大学》2012年博士论文

【摘要】:冷战结束以后,安理会在维持国际和平与安全方面发挥着越来越大的作用,安理会通过的决议数量也大为增加,但一些安理会决议的合法性也受到了质疑。针对安理会决议的合法性问题,一些学者主张由国际法院对安理会决议进行司法审查。这一主张面临着诸多重大困难,这些困难包括《联合国宪章》并没有规定国际法院可以对安理会决议的合法性进行司法审查,国际法院在其司法实践中也明确表示自己对安理会决议没有司法审查的权力。此外,对安理会决议的司法审查还涉及审查的原则、审查的范围、审查的标准、审查的方式、审查的法律效力等问题。本文共分八章来探讨这些问题。 第一章是安理会决议司法审查的法理基础。该章首先概述了安理会决议的种类、法律性质以及其法律约束力,接着分析了安理会决议合法性危机的表现、原因以及解决的途径等。对安理会决议进行司法审查的理论依据主要有国际法治的要求、权力限制理论以及国家的司法救济权。 第二章是安理会决议司法审查的主体。对安理会决议的进行司法审查,首先考虑的是由联合国国际法院来进行,但从《联合国宪章》和《国际法院规约》的规定来看,找不到这样的法律依据。《联合国宪章》起草的历史也表明国际法院不拥有对安理会决议司法审查的权力,国际法院在其司法实践中也不承认拥有对安理会决议司法审查权。尽管这样,但从各种分析来看,最有可能对安理会决议进行司法审查的主体就是联合国国际法院了,其他国际司法机构,如前南斯拉夫国际刑事法庭、欧盟法院即使声称自己拥有对安理会决议合法性进行审查的权力,也只是就某个或某些特定的安理会决议进行司法审查。 第三章是安理会决议司法审查的原则。如果国际法院对安理会决议合法性进行审查,以下原则应得到尊守。这些原则包括案件性原则、政治问题不审查原则、安理会决议有效推定原则以及安理会决议合法性解释原则。 第四章是安理会决议司法审查的范围。国际法院对安理会决议的司法审查范围应主要集中于安理会根据《联合国宪章》第七章作出的决议。对这些决议进行司法审查的难点在于安理会通过此类决议时拥有很大的自由裁量权,并没有很明确的法律规定,审查时很难断定安理会决议违反了什么法律。联合国安理会通过的有些维和行动的决议的合法性也受到了质疑,对它们合法性进行审查时同样面临着法律标准缺失的问题。 第五章是安理会决议司法审查的标准。《联合国宪章》规定的联合国宗旨与原则是安理会必须遵守的,国际习惯法如果本身同时也是国际强行法,则安理会也必须遵守。一般法律原则在国际法院的司法实践中很少适用,即使适用也只是司法程序方面的一般法律原则,所以采用一般法律原则来审查安理会决议合法性的意义不是很大。 第六章是安理会决议司法审查的方式。由于国际法院诉讼管辖案件的当事方必须为国家,所以国际法院以直接诉讼管辖的方式对安理会决议实施司法审查面临着很多制度障碍,但是国际法院在目前的诉讼管辖中对安理会决议实施间接司法审查的可能性还是存在的。以咨询管辖方式对安理会决议实施司法审查的可能性是存在,但是最大的问题在于法院的咨询意见没有法律效力。 第七章是安理会决议司法审查的法律效力。国际法院对安理会决议司法审查的判决或意见应具有法律有约束力,否则可能会导致安理会决议一方面被国际法院宣告为违法或无效,另一方面联合国会员国又必须遵守安理会决议的奇怪局面。安理会决议违法或无效还可能导致联合国的国际法律责任。 第八章是中国对安理会决议司法审查构建的立场。从中国在联合国的实践来看,中国政府更加注重联合国安理会在维护国际和平与安全方面的作用,结合中国对国际法院的立场来看,很难得出中国政府支持国际法院对安理会决议进行司法审查的结论。支持国际法院对安理会决议进行司法审查,有助于加强对安理会权力的限制,减轻安理会改革的压力。这一制度也将有助于避免中国与美国等西方国家在联合国发生尖锐对立,从而为和平发展创造一个比较有利的国际环境。
[Abstract]:After the end of the cold war , the Council has played an increasingly important role in the maintenance of international peace and security , and the legitimacy of the resolutions adopted by the Council has also been questioned . In response to the legitimacy of the Council ' s resolutions , a number of scholars have advocated judicial review of the legitimacy of the Council ' s resolutions .

Chapter One is a legal basis for judicial review of the Council ' s resolutions . The chapter first summarizes the types , legal nature and the binding of the Council resolutions , then analyses the manifestations , reasons and ways of resolving the legitimacy crisis of the Security Council resolutions . The theoretical basis for judicial review of the Council resolutions is mainly the requirements of the international rule of law , the theory of power limitation and the judicial relief right of the State .

Chapter II is the subject of judicial review of the Council ' s resolutions , first considered by the United Nations International Court of Justice , but not by the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations and the Statute of the International Court of Justice . The history of the Charter of the United Nations also shows that the International Court of Justice does not have the right to judicial review of the Council ' s resolutions .

Chapter III is the principle of judicial review of the Council ' s resolutions . Should the International Court of Justice review the legitimacy of the Council ' s resolutions , the following principles should be respected . These principles include the principle of cases , the principle of non - examination of political issues , the principle of effective presumption of the Council ' s resolutions and the principles of the legitimacy of the Council ' s resolutions .

Chapter IV is the scope of judicial review of the Council ' s resolutions . The scope of the Council ' s judicial review of the Council ' s resolutions should focus primarily on the Council ' s resolutions under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations . The difficulty in judicial review of these resolutions lies in the fact that the Council has a large discretionary power in adopting such resolutions , and does not have a clear legal provision , and it is difficult to determine what laws the Council resolutions violated . The legitimacy of the resolutions adopted by the United Nations Security Council was also questioned , and there was also a lack of legal standards for their legality .

Chapter V is the standard of judicial review of the Council ' s resolutions . The purposes and principles of the United Nations , as set out in the Charter of the United Nations , are to be observed by the Council and must be observed by the Council . The general principles of law are rarely applied in the judicial practice of the International Court of Justice , even if applicable only in general legal principles in judicial proceedings , so that the significance of the legitimacy of the Council ' s resolutions is not great in adopting general legal principles .

Chapter VI is a way of judicial review of the Council ' s resolutions . As a result of the fact that the parties to the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice have to be States , the International Court of Justice has faced a number of institutional obstacles to the implementation of judicial review of the Council ' s resolutions in a direct litigation jurisdiction , but the possibility of an indirect judicial review by the International Court of Justice in the current jurisdiction over the implementation of the Council ' s resolutions exists , but the greatest problem is that the advisory opinion of the Court has no legal effect .

Chapter VII is the legal effect of the judicial review of the Council ' s resolutions . The decisions or observations of the International Court of Justice on the judicial review of the Council ' s resolutions should be legally binding , which might otherwise result in the Council ' s resolution being declared illegal or invalid on the one hand by the International Court of Justice and , on the other hand , by the Member States of the United Nations , which in turn must comply with the Council ' s resolutions . The Council ' s resolution on the law or invalidity may also lead to the international legal responsibility of the United Nations .

Chapter 8 is China ' s position on the judicial review of the Council ' s resolutions . From China ' s practice in the United Nations , the Chinese government has paid more attention to the role of the United Nations Security Council in the maintenance of international peace and security . It is rare for the Chinese Government to support the International Court of Justice ' s conclusions on the judicial review of the Council ' s resolutions . It supports the International Court of Justice ' s judicial review of the Council ' s resolutions . It will help to strengthen the power of the Council and reduce the pressure on the reform of the Council . This system will also help to avoid the sharp opposition between China and the United States in the United Nations , thus creating a more favourable international environment for peaceful development .



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