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发布时间:2018-05-11 08:09

  本文选题:非法拘禁 + 国际武装冲突 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:非法拘禁,一般系指违背他人的自由意志,故意拘禁他人或者以其他方法剥夺他人人身自由的行为。非法拘禁作为一种严重侵犯公民人身自由的行为,在和平时期被各国国内法确认为刑事犯罪的立法实践由来已久。但非法拘禁在武装冲突中亦时有发生,而该行为真正受到国际人道法的有效规制并被确立为一项应当追究行为人个人刑事责任的国际犯罪则是最近半个世纪的事。 非法拘禁作为战争罪下的一项子罪,与故意杀害、酷刑等战争罪下的其它子罪相比,其严重程度似乎微不足道。但自由的价值绝不能低估!平民的生命和自由无论是在和平时期还是在战争时期都应当受到高度重视和保护,不得肆意贬损。 战争罪之非法拘禁与战争罪的其它子罪在犯罪构成方面存在很多相通的部分,例如:有关国际武装冲突的界定、受保护人的定义等。此外,战争罪之非法拘禁又有自己的特殊问题,例如:拘禁受保护人的免责事由、非法拘禁的特别构成要件等。因而,研究战争罪之非法拘禁不仅可以以点带面,对战争罪甚至是国际人道法的基本原则和制度问题做一个探讨,还可以就非法拘禁本身的复杂问题进行深入研究,可谓意义重大。 本文共分五章对国际人道法中的战争罪之非法拘禁进行了全面而又细致的探讨: 第一章分析二战以后相关国际条约和国际司法判例有关武装冲突中的非法拘禁行为的规定,在此基础上揭示战争罪之非法拘禁与和平时期的非法拘禁罪的区别,并总结出前者的犯罪构成要件; 第二章探讨战争罪之非法拘禁的环境要件,着重研究国际武装冲突与非国际武装冲突之间的界限、国内武装冲突的国际化问题以及在国内武装冲突中确立战争罪之非法拘禁的可行性; 第三章分析战争罪之非法拘禁的客观要件,将武装冲突中的平民划分为四类并阐述具体哪些类别的平民能够成为战争罪之非法拘禁的行为对象,同时还对直接参加敌对行动的构成要件予以深入研究; 第四章研究战争罪之非法拘禁的主观要件和主体要件,剖析《国际刑事法院规约》对该罪主观要件上的宏观和微观要求,并对国际刑事责任的性质和上级责任制度进行探讨; 第五章考察战争罪之非法拘禁的豁免事由,对豁免事由的具体构成条件予以分析,同时对战争罪之非法拘禁的特别构成要件进行定义和阐述。 当前国际人道法所面临的最大挑战并非是规则的缺乏,而是缺乏对规则的尊重。本文写作的最终目的是希望我国民众能够不断加深对国际人道法规则的理解和认识,使国际人道法的规则和精神在实践中能够得到最大程度的遵守和执行。
[Abstract]:Illegal detention is generally an act that violates the free will of others, intentionally detain others or deprive the personal freedom of others by other means. Illegal detention, as a serious violation of citizen's personal freedom, has long been established as a criminal offence confirmed by domestic law in the period of peace. It is also the last half century that the action is also happening, and the act is truly regulated by international humanitarian law and is established as an international crime that should be investigated for the individual criminal responsibility of the perpetrator.
Illegal detention, as a crime under war crimes, seems to be negligible compared with other crimes under war crimes such as intentional killing and torture. But the value of freedom must never be underestimated. The lives and freedoms of civilians should be highly valued and protected in both peacetime and war period, and not to be derogatory.
The illegal detention of war crimes and other subcrimes of war crimes have many parts in the constitution of the crime, such as the definition of the international armed conflict and the definition of the protected person. In addition, the illegal detention of the war crime has its own special problems, such as the special elements of the detention of the protected person and the special elements of the illegal detention. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the illegal detention of war crimes, not only to discuss the basic principles and systems of war crimes, even international humanitarian law, but also to study the complex problems of illegal detention itself.
This article is divided into five chapters to conduct a comprehensive and detailed discussion on the illegal detention of war crimes in international humanitarian law.
The first chapter analyzes the relevant international treaties and international judicial precedents related to the illegal detention in the armed conflict. On this basis, it reveals the difference between the illegal detention of war crimes and the crime of illegal detention in the period of peace, and summarizes the constitutive elements of the former.
The second chapter discusses the environmental elements of the illegal detention of war crimes, and focuses on the study of the boundary between international armed conflict and non international armed conflict, the internationalization of domestic armed conflicts and the feasibility of establishing the illegal detention of war crimes in domestic armed conflicts.
The third chapter analyzes the objective elements of the illegal detention of the war crime, divides the civilians in the armed conflict into four categories, and expounds the specific categories of the civilians that can be the object of the illegal detention of the war crimes, and further study the elements of the direct participation in the hostilities.
The fourth chapter studies the subjective and main elements of the illegal detention of the crime of war, and analyzes the macro and micro requirements of the statute of the International Criminal Court on the subjective elements of the crime, and probes into the nature of the international criminal responsibility and the system of superior responsibility.
The fifth chapter examines the exemptions of the illegal detention of war crimes, analyzes the specific conditions of the exemptions, and defines and expounds the special elements of the illegal detention of war crimes.
The greatest challenge facing the current international humanitarian law is not the lack of rules, but the lack of respect for the rules. The ultimate aim of this article is to hope that the people of our country can deepen their understanding and understanding of the rules of international humanitarian law so that the rules and spirits of international humanitarian law can be observed and held to the greatest extent in practice. That's ok.



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