本文选题:正当程序 + 双边投资协定 ; 参考:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The principle of due process is the primary principle to ensure the legitimacy of procedure in common law countries, and it is also an important way and basic idea to protect private property rights. Therefore, Anglo-American law countries usually set very high requirements on due process when they sign investment agreements with foreign countries. In the investment agreement, whether it is the part of investment treatment, the part of investment protection or the part of dispute settlement, we can see the requirements of due process. Even in the same investment agreement, the principle of due process has a specific meaning when it relates to the application of different provisions. This makes due process a controversial issue in the recent practice of investment agreement arbitration. Through the interpretation of the value and standard of due process in the practice of international investment arbitration, this paper draws the general law of understanding and applying due process in international investment arbitration. On the premise of clarifying the connotation of due process principle in bilateral investment agreement (bits) and combining relevant contracting and arbitration practice, this paper probes into the construction and application of the provisions concerning due process principle in China's future bilateral investment agreements (bits). This paper is divided into five parts: the first part introduces the nature of the principle of due process in international law and the types of expression in the bilateral investment agreement, and interprets the connotation of the principle of due process as the principle of general international law. Then introduce the triple value of due process principle in bits. In the second part, the author analyzes the due process requirements of the bilateral Investment Agreement (bits) to ensure the justice of the outcome. It includes the requirements of due process principle in fair and just treatment clause and due process principle in expropriation and compensation clause. In the third part, the author analyzes the due process requirements of the bilateral Investment Agreement (bits) to emphasize the procedural justice in the light of the representative cases in the international investment arbitration. Includes the requirements of due process principles in the "Fair and just treatment" clause. The fourth part analyzes the due process requirements of balancing fairness and efficiency in bilateral investment agreements (bits), combining with representative cases in international investment arbitration. Including whether to provide for judicial review requirements and the "fork-off clause" design requirements. The fifth part, based on the analysis of due process provisions in China's current bilateral investment agreements, discusses the consideration and choice of China's conclusion of bilateral investment agreements in the future. Combined with the model of American bits, the author puts forward some legislative suggestions on the construction and application of due process in the negotiation of bilateral investment agreements between China and the United States.
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