本文选题:分离 + 分离权 ; 参考:《世界经济与政治》2011年12期
[Abstract]:In reality, separatists often invoke the "right of secession in international law". In fact, there is no norm on the right of secession in international law. The term "right of secession in international law" is usually referred to as the right to secession mixed with the right to self-determination in international law, which is completely different from self-determination in international law. Although separation is not established as a right in international law, in international practice, when vulnerable groups within States are subjected to "serious injustices", the international community generally considers them to have the right to remedial separation. The international community is based on humanitarian considerations and the protection of human rights of vulnerable groups. The right of relief separation is a kind of relief right exercised by vulnerable groups in order to protect themselves from destruction, and it is an exceptional mechanism for vulnerable groups to protect themselves. However, this right also has its limitations. The main performance is: although its exercise has strict restrictions, but these restrictions are difficult to accurately grasp in practice, and often lead to the abuse of this right. Legally, whether or not to allow secession is a matter of jurisdiction within sovereign states. Giving a group the right to secede through the constitution is only a practice adopted by a few countries for special political purposes, and most countries prohibit secession. It is of great theoretical and practical significance for us to study the existence and exercise conditions of the right of separation and the difference between it and the related concepts and theoretical categories for us to oppose all forms of separatism.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学国际关系学院;
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