本文选题:非法流转文化财产 + 法律机制 ; 参考:《山西大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:近年来,文化财产的国际非法流转呈现出逐步扩大的趋势。面对日趋严重的文化财产保护危机,国际社会普遍做出回应,一方面通过加强国内立法和签订国际条约来遏制文化财产的非法流转,另一方面对已经非法流失的文化财产进行了积极的追索。国际法学界对于非法流转文化财产的追索方法做出了深入的研究,中国学者针对我国非法流转文化财产的追索问题也进行了探讨,然而比较其他国家所做的工作还是难以望其项背。 我国学者对于非法流转文化财产追索的研究主要集中在追索机制方面,大部分论著主要是研究各种机制的利弊,鲜有针对中国利用国际法以及国内法机制进行分析,更缺乏与其他国家追索机制的比较研究。本文将从这方面入手,来分析中国如何利用国际上现有制度来保护文化财产并对非法流转文化财产加以追索,同时通过对其他国家的实践分析,找寻中国可以借鉴的先进经验,以完善中国相应的法律制度。 本文除引文和结语外,包括以下五部分内容: 文章第一部分是对非法流转文化财产的概述。首先,介绍了文化财产的概念以及其相关特性;其次,结合国际上及中国文化财产流失现状,分析了我国追索非法流失文化财产的紧迫性及重要性;第三,通过对国际上不同学说进行分析,得出文化财产应当回归本国的结论;第四,从历史的角度来看国际社会对非法流转文化财产追索所做出的努力。 文章的第二部分是对现有非法流转文化财产追索国际法机制进行阐述,研究了国际法机制对中国立法方面的影响以及中国对于该种机制的运用情况。第一节阐述了追索非法流转文化财产的国际法机制,包括公约机制和双边协议机制。第二节是国际法机制如何影响中国以及中国如何运用国际法机制追索我国非法流转于其他国家的文化财产,包括公约机制对中国的影响和中国运用公约机制的追索,以及中国与其他国家签订的保护及追索非法流转文化财产的双边协议的研究。 文章的第三部分是对国外追索非法流转文化财产国内法机制的介绍,以及中国应当如何借鉴外国的经验问题进行研究。其中外国的国内法机制研究以主要的文化财产市场国——美国和日本以及主要的文化财产来源国——意大利和希腊为例。并从这些国家的立法实践中寻找到值得中国借鉴的经验。 文章的第四部分是对国内外追索文化财产的实证分析,包括通过诉讼方式和仲裁方式的追索实践。通过案例,分析了诉讼和仲裁两种追索途径的优势与劣势,并探讨了我们在实际追索中应当如何扬长避短,合理利用两种方式。本章还指出了在实践中,中国利用诉讼方式追索非法流转文化财产的不足之处并提出建议,以及对中国利用仲裁机制追索非法流转文化财产的前景展望。 文章的最后一部分是完善中国非法流转文化财产追索机制的建议。本章的第一部分指出了中国现阶段追索机制的不足之处,第二部分对如何完善中国国内保护及追索非法流转文化财产的法律制度提出了建议,包括立法保护的完善以及其他方面措施的完善建议。
[Abstract]:In recent years , the international illegal flow of cultural property has gradually expanded . In the face of the crisis of cultural property protection , the international community has generally responded , on the one hand , through strengthening domestic legislation and signing international treaties to curb the illegal flow of cultural property , and on the other hand , the international law field has made an in - depth study on the pursuit of illegal circulation of cultural property .
In this paper , the author tries to analyze how China can use the existing international system to protect cultural property and pursue the illegal transfer of cultural property . At the same time , this paper tries to find out the advanced experience that China can learn from the practice analysis of other countries , so as to perfect the corresponding legal system in China .
In addition to citation and conclusion , this paper includes the following five parts :
The first part is an overview of the illegal transfer of cultural property . First , the concept of cultural property and its related characteristics are introduced .
Secondly , based on the current situation of international and Chinese cultural property loss , the urgency and importance of the illegal loss of cultural property in China are analyzed .
Thirdly , through the analysis of the different theories in the world , it is concluded that cultural property should be returned to the country ' s conclusion ;
Fourthly , from the historical point of view , the international community has made great efforts on the illegal transfer of cultural property .
The second part of this paper is to elaborate on the mechanism of international law of illegal transfer of cultural property in China , and study the influence of international law mechanism on China ' s legislation and the application of China for the mechanism . Section 2 is the study of how international law mechanism affects China and how China applies international law mechanism to trace the illegal flow of cultural property in other countries , including China ' s impact on China and China ' s application of convention mechanism , as well as the bilateral agreement between China and other countries to protect and recover the illegal flow of cultural property .
The third part of this paper is the introduction of the domestic law mechanism of the illegal transfer of cultural property in foreign countries , and how China should learn from the foreign experience . Among them , the study of foreign domestic law mechanism takes the main cultural property market countries _ US and Japan as well as the main source countries of cultural property _ Italy and Greece as an example .
The fourth part of this paper is an empirical analysis of the pursuit of cultural property at home and abroad , including the recourse practice in the way of litigation and arbitration . Through the case , we analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the two recourse ways of litigation and arbitration .
The last part of this chapter is to improve China ' s legal system of illegal circulation of cultural property . The first part of this chapter points out the deficiency of China ' s recourse mechanism at present , and the second part puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the legal system of China ' s domestic protection and the illegal circulation of cultural property , including the perfection of legislative protection and the improvement of other measures .
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