本文选题:TPP + 投资准入 ; 参考:《华侨大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The negative list generally refers to the field of international investment. In the process of introducing foreign capital, a country makes reservations to some industries involving national treatment or most-favoured-nation treatment and lists these reservations in the form of a list. In the wave of global investment liberalization, the negative list has become a regular management mode of investment access. TPP, as a multi-country regional economic and trade agreement, manages investment access with negative lists. Is a major practice of this system. Therefore, this paper studies the negative list of investment access from the perspective of TPP, and compares the negative list of four free trade zones in China, which is helpful to perfect the practice of negative list in China. This paper first introduces the negative list in international investment, starting with several basic concepts, leads to the negative list model, and introduces the negative list model from the origin to the development in an all-round way, which will pave the way for the concrete practice of the negative list below. Secondly, on the basis of the official text of TPP, this paper analyzes in detail the specific provisions of the investment chapter and the negative list, and sums up the characteristics of the negative listing of TPP. Then, the international practice of negative list is studied. Taking the United States, Singapore and Vietnam as examples, the author introduces how the negative list is implemented in China and compares it with the negative list in TPP. Finally, this paper analyzes the current negative list of our country, and based on the comparison between the previous research and the negative list of our country, summarizes the enlightenment of perfecting the negative list of our country.
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