[Abstract]:The process of international climate negotiations from Durban to Paris, especially the conclusion of the Paris Agreement, shows the new direction of the construction of the international climate legal order, that is, the universality of the contracting parties and the unity of the negotiating track. The dynamic aspect of the sharing of emission reduction obligations has been further strengthened. But the progress can not cover up the difficulties of the new order, such as the division of the main position, the "democratic failure" in the negotiation process, and the deviation between the emission reduction target and the emission reduction action. In order to build a new order that the ambition of emission reduction and the effectiveness of emission reduction should be matched, it should be pushed forward from two aspects of institutional response and path change: on the one hand, timely institutional response should be made at the micro level; Including the improvement of the carbon trading market and other measures to form a selective incentive to the relevant parties, the introduction of the "most agree" principle to improve the efficiency of the negotiation process; Through a clear "transition period" to provide a buffer for developing countries to undertake binding emission reduction obligations in the future; adopt dynamic composite standards to make emission reduction burden sharing more acceptable to all countries. On the other hand, we should push the path change from the macro level, including the shift of the principle of common but differentiated responsibility from "common responsibility" to "differentiated responsibility", and the combination of "bottom-up" and "top-down" to the model of emission reduction; Promote the international climate legal order to "integration" and "pluralism" combined transformation.
【作者单位】: 中国法学杂志社;
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