[Abstract]:With the development of the world economy, transnational bankruptcy appears more and more frequently, among which there are many legal problems, among which the application of law is one of them. However, current scholars focus on jurisdiction and extraterritorial effects, and pay little attention to the application of law. In order to break this phenomenon, this paper analyzes the legal application of cross-border bankruptcy by means of semantic explanation, historical investigation, empirical research and inductive reasoning, dialectical analysis, etc. The article is divided into the following five chapters: the first chapter introduces the connotation and extension of cross-border bankruptcy and the complexity of the problem, establishes the object and method discussed in this paper, and clarifies the important position of the application of law in cross-border bankruptcy. In addition, it also briefly combs the historical development of the rules of law selection, and points out the rules system for the application of bankruptcy laws. The second chapter expounds the legal application problems in several areas where the conflict of law is greater in cross-border bankruptcy, and obtains the bankruptcy requirements. The third chapter discusses the legal application of special rights in cross-border bankruptcy, including bankruptcy exemption right, bankruptcy recovery right, bankruptcy offset right, bankruptcy revocation right, The fourth chapter analyzes the applicable rules of the European Union rules on Insolvency Proceedings and the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law. The conclusion is based on the law of the forum, supplemented by the legislative model of exceptional provisions, which provides an important reference for the construction of the relevant legal system in China. Chapter five analyzes the legislative situation of the application of cross-border bankruptcy law in China. This paper looks forward to the application of the principle of the closest connection and the principle of autonomy of will in the field of cross-border bankruptcy, as stipulated in the Law of the people's Republic of China on the Application of the Law on Civil Relations concerning Foreign Affairs. The conclusion provides suggestions for the perfection of the applicable rules of cross-border bankruptcy law in China.
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