[Abstract]:Traffic affects the real competitiveness of the EU economy. Traffic legislation is a very important aspect in the field of EU economic administrative legislation. The popularity of automobiles has brought many social problems: energy consumption, exhaust gas pollution and urban traffic congestion. Within the EU system, a number of programmatic policy documents have been developed to address such problems and establish efficient, safe and environmentally friendly transport networks designed to coordinate the transport planning of member States; a series of directives have been issued. The mandatory implementation of transport measures to enhance the competitiveness of the EU economy as a whole, as well as the transport environmental protection standards required by its commitment to reduce emissions. This paper first analyzes the characteristics of EU law, secondly analyzes the role of EU main institutions in the traffic legislation, then analyzes the traffic situation and traffic problems in the EU, and introduces the transport policy documents issued by the EU. Finally, according to the actual situation of our country, the paper draws the enlightenment of EU traffic legislation in the overall coordination of our country. The research methods of deduction, reasoning and sociology of law are used synthetically, and the advanced ideas and new trends in the field of traffic legislation are studied by adopting the analytical characteristics of law and economics. As an economic integration organization, EU has rich experience in traffic and environmental protection legislation, and its attempt can provide valuable reference for global transportation development and environmental protection. China's traffic legislation can draw lessons from the European Union's successful experience, but it should be chosen according to the actual situation and the specific national conditions.
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