[Abstract]:The Middle Ages was a crucial period in the history of international law, and it was the embryonic period of international law-the law of war. At the same time, it was also a period of large-scale western expedition launched by the Mongols. The Mongols conquered a great deal of land through a series of fierce wars, which has brought indelible war wounds to other regions and nations of the world. Therefore, when describing the war behavior of the Mongolians, scholars at home and abroad think that it is extremely barbaric, cruel, and there are no norms and rules to speak of, similar descriptions are endless. However, after studying a large number of historical materials, the author found that the Mongolians had not only bloody acts of war, but also some acts of war that respected and embodied the elements of international law and the law of war. Even some provisions similar to the rules of the law of war (such as the declaration of war clause in the Code of Genghis Khan) can be found, as well as other positive contents that can be used for reference by later generations of the law of war. Therefore, from the perspective of historical process, taking the content research of medieval international law as the turning point, the author makes a detailed and multi-angle analysis of the western expedition and the law of war of the Mongols. It forms an objective exposition of the process of the mixture of international law and the Mongolians' western expedition, and then obtains a true proof of the certain connection and value between the various acts of war and the relevant contents of the law of war in the western expedition of the Mongolians.
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