[Abstract]:In order to determine whether the natural person has the capacity for civil conduct or to what extent the capacity for civil conduct is defined by an age standard, in any case, it is unavoidable that there is a double limitation on the excessive protection of the reasonable trust of the minors and the relative persons of the transaction, and to reduce such limitations as France, Germany and Switzerland as far as possible. Scholars and other countries have adopted different norms in the system of typed civil capacity. In China, the general principles of civil law have alleviated the limitations of the limitation of the ability to restrict civil behavior in the system of civil capacity for civil behavior. Due to the lack of profound understanding of the connotation of the protection of minors, the current interpretation of the existing non civil capacity types is seriously deviated from the attribute of the law of force. According to the concept and regulations of the United Nations Convention on the rights of the child, in order to respect the dignity and freedom of the child, the future codification of civil code in our country should consider the complete cancellation of no civil law. The type of capacity for conduct stipulates that minors, regardless of age, shall in principle enjoy limited capacity for civil conduct.
【作者单位】: 中国法学杂志社;
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