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发布时间:2018-08-23 19:16
【摘要】:自2008年起,非洲之角的海盗活动就成为全球关注的热点问题,为维护国际海运安全、加强对海盗的打击力度,联合国安理会为此通过多项决议。各国在联合国的号召下纷纷派遣自己国家的海军和军舰到海盗猖狂地区去护航,但是海盗的劫持事件依然屡禁不止。终归起来其实是当今国际社会对海盗的打击力度不够强大,很多国家在抓到海盗后不是继续审判海盗,而是将海盗释放,这也就是为什么海盗抓了之后还有。出现这样的问题,是由于国际社会上缺乏对海盗惩处的具体的法律法规,一些国家根据普遍管辖权原则起诉海盗,却发现起诉海盗而使海盗受到应有的处罚是很困难的事情。在起诉海盗犯罪嫌疑人的时候碰到了很多问题,有管辖权问题、法院问题、国际法问题,海盗犯罪嫌疑人身份确定问题、何处执法问题等,一个问题不能解决,将会影响其他问题的解决,只有全部问题均得到解决,国际社会上频繁出现的这种海盗劫持事件才会减少。当海盗犯罪嫌疑人受到了应受的处罚之后才会对自己的行为有所认识,才不会像现在这样的肆无忌惮的为了自己的私利而去影响整个国际社会海上通道的安全运行。 确定海盗犯罪嫌疑人身份,虽然是一个细小的问题,但无论从立法、司法、执法方面来说,都对促进各国打击海盗行为有积极影响。文章就如何确定海盗犯罪嫌疑人身份进行了探讨,文章分为引言、正文、结语三个部分。引言部分主要介绍了海盗行为出现的历史,研究目的及方法。第一章主要介绍了确定海盗犯罪嫌疑人身份在立法上可能出现的问题,第二章介绍了在司法上出现的问题,第三章介绍了在执法上出现的问题,第四章介绍了如何解决这些问题的措施,结语部分对全文做了一个概括性的总结。
[Abstract]:Since 2008, piracy in the Horn of Africa has become a hot issue of global concern. In order to maintain international maritime security and strengthen the fight against piracy, the United Nations Security Council has adopted a number of resolutions for this purpose. Countries sent their own navies and warships to escort pirates at the UN's call, but pirate hijackings continue to be banned. In the end, the international community is not strong enough to crack down on pirates. Many countries do not continue to try pirates after they catch them, but release pirates. That is why pirates have been arrested. This problem is due to the lack of specific laws and regulations in the international community to punish pirates. Some countries prosecute pirates on the basis of the principle of universal jurisdiction, but find it very difficult to prosecute pirates and bring them to justice. There are many problems encountered in the prosecution of piracy suspects, such as jurisdiction, court, international law, identification of suspected pirates, where to enforce the law, and so on. One problem cannot be solved. Will affect the solution of other problems, only if all the problems are resolved, the frequent occurrence of this kind of pirate hijacking in the international community will be reduced. When a pirate suspect is punished, he will not be aware of his own behavior, and will not be so unscrupulous as now to affect the safe operation of the entire international community's maritime passage for his own personal gain. Determining the identity of piracy suspects is a minor issue, but in terms of legislation, justice and law enforcement, it has a positive impact on promoting countries' efforts to combat piracy. This paper discusses how to determine the identity of pirate suspects, which is divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The introduction mainly introduces the history, purpose and method of piracy. The first chapter mainly introduces the problems that may arise in the legislation to determine the identity of the suspected pirates, the second chapter introduces the problems in the administration of justice, the third chapter introduces the problems in the law enforcement. The fourth chapter introduces how to solve these problems, the conclusion part of the full text of a general summary.


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