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发布时间:2018-08-26 18:41
【摘要】:“法庭之友”制度是近年来在WTO争端解决机制中争议最多的一个问题,虽然在DSU程序规则中没有明文体现“法庭之友”,但是在专家组和上诉机构审理的众多纠纷案件中,“法庭之友”已经被DSB机构多次应用。现在,“法庭之友”制度已经成为了世界贸易组织新一轮谈判的主要争论议题。对此,发达国家和发展中国家出现了两种截然不同的态度,我国对这一制度的欠缺也使得我国的在WTO中的利益保护受到挑战。 本文从分析“法庭之友”的价值入手,探讨了“法庭之友”制度的主要内容和发展原因。接着通过对案件的讨论,分析了“法庭之友”在DSU中的实践可行性。最后,分析了世界贸易组织的各成员国对“法庭之友”的不同观点和立场倾向,并结合世界贸易组织争端解决程序的现行规则和要求,提出了我国应对“法庭之友”制度的对策。 本文主体共分为四个部分: 第一部分“法庭之友”在DSU中的概述。从“法庭之友”的法律渊源和概念入手,论述了该制度参与DSU机制的重要价值,并分析了该制度发展的原因以及在DSU程序与一般国内司法机制运用的区别,为下文的探讨做了理论铺垫。 第二部分DSU中“法庭之友”的实践剖析。本部分是本论文的一个创新内容,主要分析了DSU中“法庭之友”参与的实践,并就最新的争端案件进行了展望,讨论了“法庭之友”参与的可行性。 第三部分世界各国对“法庭之友”参与DSU的不同态度。该部分介绍了世界各国对“法庭之友”参与争端解决机制存在着截然不同的观点,并分别分析了持支持态度和反对态度的原因。 第四部分我国应对DSU中“法庭之友”的策略。该部分也是本文的论述核心,认为吸收“法庭之友”制度参与争端案件的审理是符合情势发展的。指出我国在立法中的不足,并就“法庭之友”制度的欠缺给出具体的立法建议。
[Abstract]:Amicus curiae system is one of the most controversial issues in the WTO dispute settlement mechanism in recent years. Although amicus curiae is not explicitly reflected in the rules of procedure of DSU, it is still in many dispute cases heard by panels and appellate bodies. Amicus curiae has been used many times by DSB. Now, amicus curiae has become the main issue in the new round of WTO negotiations. In this regard, there are two different attitudes in developed and developing countries, and the lack of this system in our country also challenges our interests protection in WTO. Based on the analysis of the value of amicus curiae, this paper probes into the main contents and development reasons of amicus curiae system. Then the feasibility of amicus curiae in DSU is analyzed through the discussion of the case. Finally, having analysed the different views and positions of the States members of the World Trade Organization with regard to the amicus curiae, and taking into account the existing rules and requirements of the dispute settlement procedure of the World Trade Organization, Put forward our country to deal with "amicus curiae" system countermeasure. The main body of this paper is divided into four parts: the first part is the introduction of amicus curiae in DSU. Starting with the legal origin and concept of "amicus curiae", this paper discusses the important value of the system's participation in the DSU mechanism, and analyzes the reasons for the development of the system and the difference between the application of the system in the DSU procedure and the general domestic judicial mechanism. For the following discussion to do the theoretical groundwork. The second part analyzes the practice of amicus curiae in DSU. This part is an innovative content of this thesis. It mainly analyzes the practice of amicus curiae in DSU, looks forward to the latest dispute cases, and discusses the feasibility of amicus curiae participation. The third part is about the different attitudes of the world's amicus curiae to participate in DSU. This part introduces the different viewpoints of the countries in the world on the participation of amicus curiae in the dispute settlement mechanism, and analyzes the reasons of supporting attitude and opposing attitude respectively. The fourth part deals with the strategy of amicus curiae in DSU. This part is also the core of this paper, which considers that the amicus curiae system is in line with the development of the situation. This paper points out the deficiency in the legislation of our country, and gives some specific legislative suggestions on the deficiency of amicus curiae system.


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