[Abstract]:The cases before the International Criminal Court are themselves particularly complex and, to a large extent, affected by the international and domestic political situation, This requires proper innovation in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court on the basis of a mixture of litigant and ex officio proceedings. The Statute reconciles many contradictions and conflicts between litigant and ex officio proceedings and creates a set of basic legal provisions that meet the international standards of fair trial and accord with the characteristics of international criminal proceedings, This is not only the summary of international criminal procedure practice, but also the result of full negotiation and compromise. The open and tolerant attitude embodied in the formulation of the statute is worthy of our country's reference in promoting the reform of the trial-centered litigation system. In the design of the lenient system of plea admission and punishment, the relevant provisions of the statute on plea bargaining procedure can be used for reference.
【作者单位】: 上海对外经贸大学法学院;
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