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发布时间:2018-08-29 14:27
【摘要】:当今世界,国籍作为一个普遍的法律概念,是每个人身份的必要特征。享有国籍就意味着具有一国的公民身份,并享有该国宪法及其他法律所规定的一切权利,承担相应的法律义务。以国籍的享有和改变为基本内容的国籍权因此具有了人权的特性,并被规定在《世界人权宣言》等一系列国际法律文件中。然而,作为一项重要的基本人权,国籍权却在全球化背景下遇到了来自理论和实践的双重挑战。本文尝试在对国籍权概念、起源以及理论依据等问题进行详细探讨的基础上,消解全球化进程中理论和现实中对国籍权的质疑,论证国籍权在全球化背景下作为一项基本人权性质所具有的重要价值,并归纳出国籍权有效保护的法律框架。 全文共分五章。第一章阐述国籍和国籍权的基本概念。首先对国籍的基本概念进行梳理,并从分析国籍对于国家和个人的价值入手,着重探讨国籍给个人带来的利益,为国籍权理论的阐释铺平道路。进而阐述国籍权的三大基本内容和基本概念,并在此基础上对国籍权和其他相关概念进行比较。 第二章介绍国籍权的历史演进和理论基础。法律意义上国籍的产生是国籍权产生的前提,国籍权发展演进还受到国内和国际关系发展、国籍观念发展等其他因素的影响。在这些因素的共同作用下,,国籍权的国内和国际法法律形态不断发展演进。本章还阐释了作为国籍权理论基础的社会契约论和功利主义思想。认为社会契约理论对国家的历史起源的分析,阐释了不断发展进化的政治组织形式与个体的人的互动和关联,提供了探究国籍权存在的历史路径;功利主义理论从人的“趋利避害”本性,提供了分析国籍权行使和具体运用的正当性依据。 第三章分析全球化背景下国籍权遇到的挑战。本章介绍和分析全球化进程中,世界主义持有的民族国家衰弱理论、区域一体化引发的公民身份变化理论、无国籍人现象等理论和现实问题,以及它们对国籍权客观依据和存在价值的质疑或挑战。 第四章尝试对上述质疑和挑战作出回应。通过反驳民族国家衰弱理论的有关观点,坚定民族国家未来发展的信心,夯实国籍权存在的现实基础;通过回应世界公民身份、多元公民身份等超国家公民身份的理论和有关现实,阐明国籍权代表的理论和现实价值;通过质疑无国籍问题解决中的困境,论证国籍权在无国籍问题的解决过程中发挥的不可替代的作用。 第五章对国际立法和各国国内立法的国籍权法律制度进行比较研究。按照国籍权的三大主要内容,对与国籍权保护相关的国际条约、区域性法律文件、各国宪法、国籍法、移民法等法律制度进行梳理和比较研究。 论文最后指出,国籍权在全球化背景下依然存在着重要的人权价值。不断推进国籍权的保护,最终保护每个人的公民权才是我们努力的明确方向,这需要在认知层面、制度设计层面和实际操作层面进行不懈的探索,并作出不懈的努力。
[Abstract]:In today's world, nationality, as a universal legal concept, is a necessary feature of each person's identity. Enjoying nationality means having the citizenship of a country, and enjoying all the rights and obligations stipulated in the Constitution and other laws of that country. Therefore, the right to nationality, which is based on the enjoyment and change of nationality, has been granted. The characteristics of human rights are stipulated in a series of international legal documents, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. However, as an important basic human right, the right to nationality has met with dual challenges from theory and practice in the context of globalization. This paper attempts to discuss the concept, origin and theoretical basis of the right to nationality in detail. On the one hand, it dispels the doubts about the right of nationality in theory and reality in the process of globalization, demonstrates the important value of the right of nationality as a basic human right in the context of globalization, and sums up the legal framework for the effective protection of the right of nationality.
The first chapter elaborates the basic concepts of nationality and the right to nationality. Firstly, it combs out the basic concepts of nationality and analyzes the value of nationality to the state and the individual, focusing on the benefits of nationality to the individual, paving the way for the interpretation of the theory of the right to nationality, and then expounds the three basic contents and bases of the right to nationality. Based on this concept, we compare the rights of nationality and other related concepts.
The second chapter introduces the historical evolution and theoretical basis of the right of nationality.The birth of nationality in the legal sense is the premise of the birth of the right of nationality.The development and evolution of the right of nationality is also influenced by other factors such as the development of domestic and international relations and the concept of nationality. This chapter also explains the theory of social contract and utilitarianism, which are the theoretical basis of the right of nationality. It holds that the theory of social contract analyzes the historical origin of the state, explains the interaction and relationship between the evolving forms of political organization and individual human beings, and provides a historical path to explore the existence of the right of nationality. On the nature of "seeking benefits and avoiding disadvantages" of human beings, this paper provides the legitimate basis for analyzing the exercise and concrete application of the right of nationality.
Chapter Three analyzes the challenges faced by the right to nationality in the context of globalization. This chapter introduces and analyzes the theoretical and practical problems in the process of globalization, such as the Weakening Theory of nation-states held by cosmopolitanism, the change theory of citizenship caused by regional integration, the phenomenon of statelessness, and their queries about the objective basis and value of the right to nationality. Challenge.
Chapter Four tries to respond to these questions and challenges. By refuting the relevant viewpoints of the Weakening Theory of the nation-state, we can strengthen the confidence of the future development of the nation-state and consolidate the realistic foundation of the existence of the right of nationality. By responding to the theories and relevant realities of the supranational citizenship such as world citizenship and multi-citizenship, we can clarify the generation of the right of nationality. Through questioning the dilemma in solving the problem of statelessness, this paper demonstrates the irreplaceable role of the right of nationality in solving the problem of statelessness.
Chapter Five makes a comparative study of the legal systems of the right of nationality in international legislation and domestic legislation of various countries.
Finally, the paper points out that the right to nationality still has important human rights value in the context of globalization. To promote the protection of the right to nationality and ultimately protect the civil rights of each person is the clear direction of our efforts, which requires unremitting exploration and unremitting efforts at the cognitive level, system design level and practical operation level.


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