[Abstract]:An important subject in the field of international investment is the settlement mechanism of international investment disputes. This is not only an important topic on the level of international economic law, but also an important issue that has an important impact on the interests of investors, investor home countries and host countries in international investment practice. In order to solve this important issue, Accession to the Convention on the settlement of Investment disputes between States and Nationals of other States (hereinafter referred to as the "ICSID Convention"), the submission of disputes to the International Centre for the settlement of Investment disputes (hereinafter referred to as ICSID) has become the home country of more and more investors and The choice of the main body of international investment. On the other hand, with the growing acceptance of (Bilateral Investment Treaties, BITs) as an important basis for adjusting international investment relations, Many BITs also pay great attention to the dispute settlement mechanism between investor and host country. In view of the important international influence of ICSID in the international investment dispute settlement mechanism, many BITs have more or less made an agreement on the ICSID jurisdiction of investment dispute. As a member of ICSID Convention and an important practitioner of BITs, China also pays attention to the agreement on the jurisdiction clause of ICSID in the BITs signed with other countries. However, if the agreement of the ICSID jurisdiction clause in BITs is improper, it is very likely that the then side will fall into a passive position in the dispute settlement mechanism. It is not difficult to see this problem from the existing international practice. This paper takes the jurisdiction of ICSID in BITs as the main research object, based on the case of international investment dispute arbitration, regards the relevant contents of BITs signed by our country as reference, and focuses on the agreement of ICSID jurisdiction in BITs between China and other countries. The purpose is to provide constructive advice for the practice of relevant international agreements in China. This paper is divided into four chapters. The main content and distribution are as follows: chapter 1: summary of ICSID jurisdiction clause in BITs. This paper focuses on the basic contents of ICSID jurisdiction in BITs and the basic provisions of the ICSID Convention on central jurisdiction. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the basic background of ICSID jurisdiction. The second chapter is the trend that the domestic jurisdiction of host country gives way to ICSID. This part first pays attention to the practice of ICSID Convention and related international investment dispute settlement, analyzes the changing trend of the principle of exhaustion of local remedies in international investment arbitration, and concludes that the principle of exhaustion of local remedies is gradually desalinating; Secondly, focus on the legitimacy crisis in international investment arbitration, in order to highlight the adverse trend of resolving this kind of disputes through international arbitration; thirdly, pay attention to Argentina's ICSID arbitration crisis and countermeasures, perspective arbitration cases objectively explain the past, Highlight the seriousness and objectivity of the problem. Through the elaboration of the above three main problems, it shows that the domestic jurisdiction of the host country gives way to the unfavorable trend of ICSID, and highlights the importance of placing the right of international investment dispute settlement in the domestic jurisdiction of our country. The third chapter is about the practice and problems of the central jurisdiction clause in BITs of China. This part is concerned about the change of attitude about the ICSID jurisdiction agreement in the BITs signed by our country, and combined with the specific agreement of relevant BITs, focusing on the consent clause of ICSID jurisdiction, the principle of exhaustion of local remedies, the major security exception clause. Most-favoured-nation treatment clause, intuitively analyzes the possible risks in ICSID jurisdiction in China's BITs. The fourth chapter is about the suggestion of ICSID jurisdiction clause in BITs of our country. In view of the BITs, concluded between China and other countries, this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the ICSID jurisdiction clause in China's BITs and the subsequent contracting practice.
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